The Ball (Kyoya's POV)

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Chapter 6-Kyoya’s POV of the ball

FYI-. Anything italicized is in English, the rest the are speaking in japanese. This chapter maybe confusing because he is translating the words she’s singing to Japanese in his mind from English so bear with it, it doesn’t really matter, or you can skip the song all together. Now I’m just confusing myself, never mind.

I opened the brown box and shuddered when I looked inside. He didn’t, the devil is making me wear a dress. He sent a wig and a pink dress and all that. I nearly swore out loud. Why, didn’t he not like me, did he want to torture me? Does he want me not to pry? If so, I’m just going to dig deeper and harder.

Furiously I stripped down and wore the ridiculous dress. It was loose, of that I was thankful. It had a white collar that stood up. The rest of it was in ridiculous shades of pink. The top was sequined with loose sleeves, which covered my entire arm. Then the bottom flared out hiding my legs. It looked like a traditional Chinese dress except with long sleeves and it was much looser than it. The worst part of it was it was pink! At least it was a soft pink, not a bright startling, knowing him, he probably thought about it. I hissed in anger. He’ll probably laugh when he sees me. Jamming the wig on my head and wearing the shoes he provided, they were unnoticeable under the dress.

I checked the time, I needed to leave. I stomped out of the house, the maids staring at me as I left. I went and sat in the limo, “Driver take me to Ouran.”

“Yes sir,” he said trying to hide a smirk after he saw what I was wearing.

I got out of the car and check my watch, it was seven, it was time for me to go inside. The ballroom was beautiful, a job well done, I thought. I would never say that out loud, especially after she made me wear this outfit. I saw Maiko pushing through the crowd and go up the stairs to the microphone, to make his speech. Fingering through the handbag she gave me was the stamp with the face a devil on it.I didn’t know we had to play and upon that do that ridiculous walk down the stairs like a princess.

“I am Lady Kyoko,” saying something that closely resembled my name. As I walked down the stairs I was greeted with a flash. Great she even had a photographer taking a picture of everyone here, no doubt he was going to look through them.

I joined the masses looking at the other girls. Then I saw a beautiful girl, dressed in dark blue and black. Announced as Lady Hikari, she took my breath away as she walked down the steps. She was beautiful. Her hair was curl on one side, she was without flaw. Then a little bit later I saw the last girl. She had dark hair and startling blue eyes, no one in this school I knew looked like her. She was announced as Lady Kurochi, one of the most unusual names. She glided down the steps, her dark hair billowing out behind her. After tonight I can honestly say I’ve seen an angel. I could picture the wings sprouting out from her back as she came down. As she came down plenty of people mobbed her trying to talk to her. Kurochi decided to dance with a girl in a red dress.

She surprised me, she wasn’t afraid to play with girls. After that other girl couples danced together. A couple of people tried to dance but I immediately shrugged off and escaped to the rose maze, I doubt a lot of people will be here. I wandered aimlessly for hours, passing several people, I was picking a rose of the most unusal color, it was blue.

The blue rose reminded me of my past. Without promises, and pressure, the ability to live happily. It reminded me of sweet things, of dark things. Of poisoned apple, sweet and delicious, but there is a hidden threat, on that can never be completely removed. The color reminded of the night, when things are hidden, but sins are committed.

Then I heard a sweet voice singing. It was as if angels were singing from the heavens themselves. I listened to the song, it was sung in English.

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined

I am unwritten, can’t read my mind, I’m undefined

I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned

I’m just beginning the pens in my hand, ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you

Staring at the blank page before you

Open up the dirty window

Open up the dirty window

Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance

Reaching for something in the distance

So close you can almost taste it

So close you can almost taste it

Release your inhibitions

Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin

Fell the rain on your skin

No one else can feel it for you

No one else can feel it for you

Only you can let it in

Only you can let it in

No one else, no one else

No one else, No one else

Can speak the words on your lips

Can speak the words on your lips

Drench yourself in words unspoken

Drench yourself in words unspoken

Live your life with arms wide open

Live your life with arms wide open

Today is where your book begins

Today is where your book begins

The rest is still unwritten

The rest is still unwritten

I finally found her, and it was the angel, Lady Kurochi. She kept singing and I just stared at her. She was so beautiful and pure. Yet it irked me that I knew nothing about her. As she finished the song I clapped for her. She turned around and caught sight of me. At that she began to laugh. Her laughter was like beautiful bells, I walked towards her color rising to my face. I just wanted to touch her. She looked at me her eyes the most beautiful blue, I had ever seen. I caressed her cheek marveling how soft and smooth her skin is.

“That was beautiful,” I told her honestly, “Like angels.”

I dropped my hand; I shouldn’t be thinking about touching her, she is of no use to me.

I went and sat inside the gazebo, she sat next to me. I wanted to know her I thought as I looked at her. I wanted for her to be mine; I wanted to be with her. So I asked her several questions, I put the rose in her, hair knowing it suited her. I watched her as her life story came out. I saw her face as I saw so many emotions cross her face, I saw love, hate, regret, all in her voice and in her eyes. I let her cry on my shoulders as she let some of it go, but, it still weighed down on her, and I never wanted her toever feel that way again.

Then she asked a question that even I didn’t know the answer to, “Why do I trust you so much Kyoya?”

“Because I know everything,” I told her, the first thing that came to my mind.

Then, she laughed again, I lifted her face so it looked into mine, cutting her words off. Then I pressed my lips against her, she tasted sweet and soft. Just as we pulled apart the fireworks started and I sat with her leaning her head on my shoulders watching the fireworks where we soon fell asleep.

A/N- Sorry its so short, but I would appreciate, it if you would comment, vote, or fan, or all of the above. Thanks!

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