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How you like it.

She made so many friends,
But no one can be call as a friend.

A true friend.

She search a friend ,
to whom she can told her deepest secrets.
Which she had hide deepest in her heart.

She made so many friend .
They all are temporary one.

She met all the of friends.
Fake friend.
Showoff friends
Joyful friends.
Talkative friends.
Mean friends.
Temporary friends.

But never met a best friend.

A best friend forever.

People, people everywhere,
But not a true friend is there.

She never told anyone her deepest secrets.
She want a best friend whom she can told.

She want a best friend with whom she can share,
Her food.
Her books.
Her clothes.
Her love.
Her sadness.
Her happiness.
Her pain.

Friend which can make her mistakes correct.

Friend Which can beat her when she is wrong and not listening.

Friend which can respect her ,
Never leave her.
Hold her hand tightly.
Hug her when needed.

She met all type of friends.
But not a best friend.

A best friend forever.

Q : Have you ever met a mean friend.

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