Chapter 1

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"Ahhhh!!! " Cindy yelled as she fly on her broomstick that is going wild. "What do you expect from the worst witch?" Ethel asked the teachers "She's not that worse" Maud said, Cindy's best friend at Cackle's Academy, the school for witches. Suddenly Cindy accidentally exited the realm that is protecting the Academy and the witch world to not be seen from the non magical people. "Oh no!" Maud exclaimed "Not the worst huh?" Ethel asked "Ingrid go get Cynthia before someone see's her" Ms. hardbroom said "Its night time anyway Ms. Hardbroom, no one would see her. Let Cynthia Vortex
go home first and take the broom home for a while. Her mother might be looking for her" Ms. Cackle said "One reason why we shouldn't accept non magical being in our witchcraft academy" Ms. Hardbroom said "Cynthia Vortex is special Ms. Hardbroom,  she's one of those who can see us beyond the realm from afar,  take note without passing through it" Ms. cackle said

"Ahh!!  I left the realm!!  Ahh!! " Cindy yelled trying to gain control of her broomstick then suddenly landed straight on the trees. "Ouch" Cindy groaned.  "Cindy?! " Jimmy asked shocked looking at Cindy who is on top of the tree, she then gulped and noticed she landed at the tree inside the Neutron's front yard 'He saw me!!' Cindy started panicking in her mind "Oh,  hi Jimmy" Cindy said then she fell on the ground with a thud and she groaned and Jimmy helped her stand up "What are you doing and did you just fly straight to that tree? And what the heck are you wearing? " Jimmy asked. Cindy is wearing a black gymslip, grey shirt, grey and black striped tie, grey socks or black stockings, and black boots, and a Black Hat and Cloak
"I uhm,  what are you doing up late at night? " Cindy asked "I was in my lab and I didn't noticed the time and I'm on my way back inside the house,  there's a problem with the automatic door leading to my room so I have to go out to go there. You still haven't answered my question" Jimmy explained 'Should i tell him?' Cindy asked on her mind "Uhm,  I'm a.. " Cindy said "A? " Jimmy asked 'Well,  he's my friend. He can keep a secret.  But he won't believe me since its Science he believes.  Then again He's very religious then again he said that Magic isn't real then again I can prove him that! " Cindy thought to herself while panicking "Cindy" Jimmy said 'Fine I'll tell him' Cindy thought "Promise me you won't tell anyone, not even Sheen or Carl" Cindy said "Why?" Jimmy asked "Because I'm not telling you until you promise me" Cindy said "Fine I promise" Jimmy said "Well, You're going to have a hard time believing this, I promise I did too but...  I'm a witch" Cindy said then Jimmy started laughing hard "You finally admitted it!" Jimmy managed to say "I mean witch as In magic! " Cinndy exclaimed emphasizing the word Magic and that stopped Jimmy from laughing "What did you say? " Jimmy asked "I'm a witch and can perform magic" Cindy said "You sick or something? Magic isn't real" Jimmy said then Cindy sighed "I'll prove you" Cindy said then before Jimmy could say anyrhing she whistled and her broom stick came out of the tree and slowly going down but then it wildly flew towards someone else's house breaking the window "Oh no! " Cindy said covering her mouth "What is that? A rocket broomstick? " Jimmy asked "No,  its magic. Its just I'm having a hard time controlling it or any magic" Cindy said then suddenly the owner of the house yell "Whoever threw this broomstick in my house you better run because I called the cops for you! " The Owner yelled then threw the broomstick out the window. "Its an accindent sir Wheezer, I'm sorry!" Jimmy yelled ehich shocked Cindy 'Did he just took the blame for me?  And does he believe me now?' Cindy thought "Oh Its Jimmy,  sorry Jimmy. Its okay,  I'm gonna call the cops again to not bother. Just becareful with inventions next time" Mr. Wheezer said "Okay sorry again thank you" Jimmy called and Mr. Wheezer went inside. Then insstead of handing the broomstick to cindy he started analyzing it "Where is the button? Or some whistle detector?  " Jimmy asked "Jimmy,  I'm telling you its magic" Cindy said and snatched the broomstick away from Jimmy. "I'm telling you You are goign crazy! " Jimmy yelled back but before Cindy could answer Cindy's mirror started shining on her pocket and she put it out then the light disappeared but a knock on it was being heard.  "Watch" Cindy said then said "Answer" She said then the face of Ms. Cackle appeared on the mirror and Jimmy's eyes widened. "Cynthia, I just want to tell you don't bother coming back at Cackle's tonight to bring the broom home,  your parents might be worried about you and-- Who is that boy? " Ms. Cackle asked "Here's the thing Miss Cackle, He saw me because I landed on their tree and He's my friend and I couldn't just lie to him so I told him. The truth that I am a witch" Cindy explained. "Well then,  I'd like to meet him in person so I'm expecting you in 20 minutes" Ms. Cackle said "20 minutes?!  But the drive there is exactly 17 minutes and We still have to walk a mile in the forest and its going to take us. 8 minutes! " Cindy explained "You can use your broom" Ms. Cackle said "But, I can't control it that good and I haven't flown with somebody else yet before and Its going to be chaos! " Cindy exclaimed "Yep, that's what you call practice Ms. Vortex" Ms. Cackle said then slowy faded from the mirror "Ms. Cackle wait! " Cindy exclaimed then looked at Jimmy with a worried expression. 

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