Chapter 5:

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"I can't see it" Ethel said. Both she and Cindy trying to look at their backs

"It actually just disappeared" Felicity said "So that was just a distraction" Cindy said looking at the three

"No its not,  its really there" Enid said

"And if you please don't mind Cynthia would you let go of my arm now!" Ethel said rolling her eyes pulling her arm away in which since Cindy is still under the Clumsy spell they both fell to the ground.

"Clumsy! " Ethel yelled then Cindy tried standing up and Jimmy helped her.

"You're the one who wouldn't let go of my arm! " Cindy said pulling but their arms seemed to be together.

"No one can let go since You two seemed to be sharing an arm now" Maud said which made Cindy abd Ethel widen their eyes.


"It seems like there's a fusion and it might get even stronger and make your whole body fused together, possibly forever" Ms. Cackle said

"What?! " Ethel asked out loud

"Let me guess you two fighting again? " Ms. Cackle asked

"Well,  Ethel started it by putting on a clumsy spell on Cynthia" Enid explained

"Using Unauthorized Magic Again,  I suppose I did a great job to teach tyou a lesson to not fight" Ms. cackle said

"What do you mean? " Cindy asked

"I put that spell on you two because you two don't seem to get along real well." Ms. Cackle said

"And once you two fight even more it will get stronger and stronger until
one body gets eaten up by the other. Don't worry the one will still exist and have control over the half of the body of whoever remain surfaced" Ms. Hardbroom continued which made everyone wide eyed.

"Now Dear Ms. hardbroom, do not scare the children though its bound to
really happen. But yeah,  the only person who can undo that spell is the two of you. A true friendship must bloom" Ms. Cackle explained

"Its gonna take a thousand years for that to happen" Felicity said  "But don't worry Ethel,  I'm pretty sure that your body will be the one to eat Cynthia up since you're magic and she's not" she continued

"Not helping Felicity" Ethel said

"Its lunch time, now off you go before you starve" Ms. Cackle said and teleported the students and Jimmy out of the room towards the cafeteria.

"Let's hope they work the problem out" Ms.Cackle said and sat down on her desk.

"Would you really let Cynthia get eaten up by Ethel's body? I mean its gonna be hard only having to control have of your body, failure for the two of them is boudn to happen" Ms. Hardbroom asked

"No Hecate,  of course not. If ever it didn't work. I could separate them before its too late" Ms. Cackle explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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