Chapter 3

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"James right? " Enid asked "Uhm yeah you can just call me Jimmy though,  I'm Cindy's best friend" Jimmy said "Sorry its on the witches code,  we aren't allowed to call someone by a nickname as a sign of respect" Maud said "Oh its alright" Jimmy said "Jimmy,  meet Enid and Maud my best friends here at Cackles" Cindy said "Well met" The two said and did the gesture "What's with the well met? " Jimmy asked "Its our greeting and respect here" Cindy said "Oh,  I still can't believe that magic is real" Jimmy said "He's a genius so he's having a hard time believing in magic" Cindy said and Jimmy blushed at that "Like you,  we also had a hard time convincing you" Maud said "Does your parents know you go here? " Jimmy asked "Yup,  you know my Karate and Piano Classes?  My parents have figured out about my ability to use magic and have agreed to let me just go here" Cindy said "Oh so this is where you went because Libby said that she haven't seen you attend your classes yet you're also not home." Jimmy said "Yup,  I know. She told me that, she sometimes went to watch my classes.  I told her my parents don't let me come because they take me to the mall those times" Cindy said "Oh wait, Your probably the Jimmy Neutron Cynthia is talking about! She always talks about her best friends out of the realm, You, Libby Folfax,  Sheen Estevez and Carl Wheezer! " Maud exclaimed "Yup, that's me" Jimmy said "So what do you guys learn here? " Jimmy asked "What you learn out there though with Magic" Enid said and Jimmy nods his head. "Cindy,  I mean Cynthia is probably the best here since I don't go here" Jimmy said. Suddenly Maud and Enid Started laughing and Cindy looked at them. "What? " Jimmy asked "Maud is actually the head of year one here" Enid said then suddenly Ethel poofed beside Enid wich shocked Jimmy a little "I heard it on my way here, If you must know Cynthia is the worst witch around here and I am the best" Ethel said "You mean Maud is the best" Cindy said "You're not even from a witching family to know that and  just to remind you, you're the reason why I'm not year of head one because you wrecked my spell!! " Ethel yelled "I already said sorry, it was a mistake and I didn't mean it, well maybe since I really needed the ingredient to finish my potion and you would'nt let me have a little but still not that I know that it would totally wreck it" Cindy said "Its because you are stupid and dumb! " Ethel exclaimed "Excuse me but if you must know,  Cynthia isn't dumb, she's super intelligent and she always ace high on our tests back home" Jimmy said "That in your world but here" Ethel said then Ms. Cackle Appeared in between the two and Jimmy jumped a little "Why do people just appear and appear" Jimmy mumbled. Ms. Cackle puts her hand on the back of Cindy and Ethel "I already handled the situation and you are free to go to bed now" Ms. Cackle said and her hand glowed orange and take it off their back but it left her hand print that is glowing orange then it disappeared. "Thanks Ms. Cackle" Ethel said then left "You three are off the hook this time and you may go straight to your rooms. James you're staying with Cynthia" Ms. Cackle said and Jimmy nods his head and they left the office. "If you want I can teleport you home, your parents might notice you're gone" Cindy said "No,  its alright. They may think I'm at the lab" Jimmy said as they entered Cindy's room. Cindy went to her desk and bring out a piece of paper and a pen. "You could also write to them to not make them worried just in case you know. You would just tell them you went to a quick trip to space. You coudl stay here for 3 days if you want" Cindy said "Weird" Jimmy said "Whatt weird? " Cindy asked "You'r ebeing so nice" Jimmy said "Probably being the worst student here brings that out of me" Cindy said "I mean not that you're not nice back home. You're just short tempered" Jimmy said "My parents we're forcing me to compete and be the best at school there. They're always pressuring me to be perfect until I got here and the pressure lessen as Ms. Cackle explained that they shouldn't really be putting that lot of pressure on me. " Cindy continued and Jimmy nods his head "Don't that Ethel and you get along? " Jimmy asked "Not one bit. The two of us might fight back home but there are times we are nice to each other. Ethel,  she's different, you help her all in all yet she still would bash you" Cindy said as she watched Jimmy write on the paper. "You should really be like this,  its making me even more wanting to be your friend" Jimmy said "Yeah" Cindy said

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