Chapter 2

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"Nice Pretend, tell me you invent stuffs too but you just wouldn't tell me because you're too afraid to let me know about it since you've been teasing me as a nerd" Jimmy said "Seriously after all that, you still don't believe me?!" Cindy exclaimed "Yup because magic do not exist and be quiet the neighbors are sleeping" Jimmy said and Cindy rolled her eyes "Well I'm taking you to the realm anyway. oh my god help me" Cindy said then groaned. She threw the broomstick on the ground and Jimmy got shocked he thought she's mad. Well, she's actually a little irritated  "You're serious?" Jimmy asked "Yeah of course, now do you believe me? " Cindy asked "My answer is still no" Jimmy said "Just come with me" Cindy said "Where? " Jimmy asked Cindy looked up to her left then pointed at the top of the mountain where the academy is at, But she's the only one who can see it. "On top of that mountain? " Jimmy asked "And beyond that realm is The witch world and the Cackle's Academy" Cindy explained "Come on its too late for some jokes" Jimmy said and Cindy sighed "Come on we're gonna be late. Ms. Cackle is expecting us in 20 minutes,  I mean 16 minutes.  Please no more protests just come or else I might get expelled" Cindy said and Jimmy saw the worried and pleading expression of Cindy "A-alright,  fine" Jimmy said and Cindy smiled and nod her head "Thank you" Cindy said and Jimmy is also a little shocked because she barely say thank you then Cindy looked down on the broomstick "Now what? " Jimmy asked "Hover!" Cindy demanded and squeezed her eyes shut "Uh Cindy" Jimmy said and Cindy slowly opened her eyes and smiled widely the Broomstick is hovering at the right level "I did it!" Cindy exclaimed "Yeah now what? " Jimmy asked and Cindy ride on the broomstick "Hop on" Cindy said and Jimmy did and held on the stick "Just hope we won't crash" Cindy said then tap the end of the broomstick thrice and it flew. "Oh my, I'm doing it! " Cindy said excitedly but suddenly in the middle it started going chaos and they both started Screaming. "Have you check the circuit of this?! " Jimmy asked while yelling "I told you this is magic! " Cindy yelled as they flew straight up the mountain then it stopped "Oh thank goodness" Cindy said as they both sighed but suddenly it flew fast down and they both started screaming again and they got in the realm and landed on the pond. "I see you made it" Ms. Cackle said as Cindy quickly stand up and Jimmy did as well.  Cindy then put her right hand on her forehead then her left on her stomach "Well met Ms. Cackle" Cimdy said after she bow "Well met Cynthia, well met to you too? " Ms. Cackle said. Jimmy is too shock to answer "Jimmy,  James Isaac Neutron" Jimmy said "James" Cindy said since Nicknames aren't allowed at witches. "Alright then" Ms. Cackle said then snapped her finger and dried them and Jimmy widened his eyes and looked at himself. "Did you just? " Jimmy asked "Magic us dry? she did" Cindy said "Well, don't you believe in magic? " Ms. Cackle asked "I'm a scientist and I don't believe in such Magic" Jimmy said "I see you are like Cynthia here,  Let's talk at my office" Ms. Cackle said and snapped her finger and they got at her office. "What the?! " Jimmy asked "Transference Spell" Cindy said "Okay,  I'm just dreaming" Jimmy said then Cindy pinched his right arm "Ouch! " Jimmy exclaimed "You're not dreaming" Cindy said "Okay, I asked for you here because I just wanted to tell you to not let anyone know about this world. People hunt witches you know. " Ms. Cackle "You should've just let me go to bed and think this is all a dream" Jimmy said "We can't break the witches code dear,  when someone sees us we have to invite them over here" Ms. Cackle said "Cynthia also had a hardtime believing this since she's more into knowledge and not really from a witching family." Ms. Cackle continued "Wait really?  But how did she got here? " Jimmy asked "Cynthia is actually special, she said she saw the academy from afar even us whilst the realm is there to protect us from being seen. She decided to pay a visit here,  she ride a taxi then walked a mile until she reached the academy and met her best friend here named Maud. No one can really see the academy or the world of Witches and Wizards aside from us who had magic in their blood" Ms. Cackle explained
"How is she able to do that? " Jimmy asked "We're not that sure but there is a saying that some non magical people have third eye. But another question is how she can use magic because even though people that have third eye van see they can't manipulate magic but she can in her own hands even though she's not that good in using or controlling them. One reason why we admit her here is because of that and because we saw passion in her in learning" Ms. Cackle added "Yeah, one question Ms. cackle
Do we have to stay here for the night? " Cindy asked "Yes, you are-" Ms. Cackle said but Ethel run iside the office cutting her off "Sorry for the Bother Ms. Cackle But-" Ethel started but She saw Cindy and Jimmy "I thought you're already home" Ethel said "Well met Ethel Hollows,  Ms. Cackle just asked us to go here since my Friend James have seen me" Cindy said "Cynthia! " Maud said and run and hugged Cindy and Cindy hugged her back "Well met" Maud said to Jimmy and Jimmy nods his head "Now what are you girls doing up late at night? " Ms. Cackle asked "Its just we can't sleep all the teachers are like all over Mr. Rowan Web and they are all acting weird and yelling" Ethel explained then Cindy's eyes widened "Wheere is Enid? " Cindy asked "Here!" Enid said then hugged Cindy then let go "Its like everyone has fallen in love with Mr. Rowan Web and we don't know why or how" Felicity said "That is weird" Ms. Cackle said "If someone hasn't meddle with them it will be but... I may have accidentally given all the teachers a Love Potion including you.. Haha" Cindy said with a guilty expression "You let a non magical person saw you and then used unauthorized magic, you are bound to get expelled" Ethel said "Can I know the reason why you did it?" Ms.Cackle asked "It's just yesterday we heard Ms. Bat cry because Mr. Rowan Web have forgotten  their anniversary and they started fighting and ignoring each other. We just love how the two looked together and we can't bear to see them like that so we decided to do anything that we can to get them back together" Cindy said "Until I came up with the idea of using a love potion and we all agreed" Enid said "Cynthia poured the love potion andd chanted
'flying over high over the wings of the depth, the next wizard you see you'll fall in love' on the porridge and gave it to miss bat, but on her way back she tripped and the botttle of potion landed on the slymid" Maud continued "And by we they mean only them,  you three are done" Ethel said "We're sorry Ms.Cackle" Cindy said and Jimmy just watched and is also impressed that Cindy apologized and in one night he heard her say it once
"But Do you really think its the potion's work?" Maud asked "Of course it is she, I mean including you
had just admitted it you deaf? " Ethel said then glared at Maud "It can't be because they have drunk the juice ages ago" Enid said "Maybe the potion took longer to work because it got diluted" Cindy said "Well for you have admitted your mistake you are forgiven" Ms. Cackle said "Wait what?! " Ethel asked "Yes,  now let's go to the teachers you three including james stay here. We still have to talk" Ms. Cackle said then used a transferrence spell to leave the room

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