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Stan woke up the next morning to the intoxicating smell of something sweet and familiar

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Stan woke up the next morning to the intoxicating smell of something sweet and familiar. He knew the smell, however, he couldn't put a name to it just yet. Stan sat up, the milky-white satin sheets falling from his frame. The morning sun was pouring in through the curtains, creating a warm glow on his semi-pale skin. He felt mentally drained and he honestly just wanted to curl up under the covers and go back to sleep.

A few days had passed since the movie night and even though kiss had been amazing, Stan could still feel himself pulling away from Mike. He knew it was all on him and his mind's persistent self-loathing. In his eyes he still didn't deserve someone like Mike. But then again, maybe this had something to do with IT, he still didn't understand his own feelings at this point. They were nothing but a jumble in his head, broken thoughts and run-on sentences. His heart was also confused, flooding with emotions and choking on the negative side to everything.

Stan was lost.

Swinging his feet over the edge of the bed, Stanley stood up. He wore only his grey boxers and white ankle socks. Mike had always found it weird that Stan could sleep comfortably in his socks. The lanky male made his way over to the shared closet, pulling out one of Mike's tee-shirts that fit baggy on him. It reached his upper thighs- Mike liked longer shirts- and it faintly smelled of Michael. That may have been the real reason Stan wore his husband's clothes.

He made his way downstairs, the smell of warm breakfast became stronger as he went. He could almost taste it as his stomach began to growl up at him harshly. The light sound of music was also present and when he made it to the doorway to the kitchen he saw Mike flipping pancakes along with dancing around the kitchen. Stan leaned against the entrance way and watched as Mike's hips swayed fluidly to the beat of the music.

The honeyed male only wore sweatpants, that were dangerously low on his hips, and nothing else. Stan would be lying if he said he wasn't admiring how built Mike was. All those years of farm work had really paid off, especially for his arms.

Mike's head snapped in Stan's direction and he grinned with his teeth on display. He instantly put down the spatula and walked over to the other with so much enthusiasm, Stan was startled. Mike pulled his husband into the kitchen, grabbed his waist, and started to force Stan to dance to the music as well.

"Mike- what are you doing?'

But the male ignored him and continued to shimmy him around the polished floorboards.

"I wanna dance with somebody!" He bellowed and spun Stan around, "I wanna feel the heat with somebody," he was struggling to keep up with him now as he tripped over his own feet.

"I wanna dance with somebody! With somebody who loves me!" At the end of the chorus, Mike planted a large kiss on Stanley's cheek, then another on the top of his head.

"Good morning sunshine," he said cheerfully, "aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Stan was very confused as to why Mike was so upbeat this morning. It was like all the tension had melted away, but then again it wasn't completely unnatural for Mike to be in a good mood. After everything that was going on, Stanley just didn't know his mood could be this elevated from what it was only a few days ago.

After Stan didn't reply, Mike led him into the dinning room and pulled out a chair for him.

"I was going to make you breakfast in bed but somebody had to come downstairs and ruin that," he wagged his finger before basically pushing Stan down into a seat at the table, " but this just means we can eat together. I made your favorite- Banana pancakes."

Mike was already walking back into the kitchen before Stan could protest, besides he was way too hungry to argue right now. And if he was being truthful, Mike was right about banana pancakes being his favorite, more specifically- Hanlon banana pancakes.

Mike had always been a great cook, no- an amazing cook. That was just another one of his charming features. Mike was a devoted vegan, for various reasons, but that never seemed to stop the creativity and flavor that was in every meal he served. Mike came back into the dinning area, this time carrying two plates of steaming food that made Stan's stomach somersault.

"Mike, seriously..what's going on, you're extra happy today."

"I can't cook for you baby boy?"

Stan choked on his saliva and sent a glare Mike's way.

" Have you been drinking," Stanley was positive Mike was acting weird, weirder than usual.

"Babe, no....Okay I slipped two shots of vodka into my coffee but I am not drunk. I'm just happy because I have something nice planned for you today. I wish your stubborn ass will just sit back and appreciate it." Stan's eyes widened at his words, Mike never swore, like maybe a 'hell' or a 'damn' every now and again but that was it.

"We are not going anywhere until you're sober. Go get a glass of water, it is eight in the morning Michael, are you serious?" The room went silent for a second before Stan started eating his food, a clear sign that the conversation was over.

Mike went to say something but decided against it and stood up, "Well while I so called sober up, you should go get dressed in something cute and comfortable. I mean I'm not protesting to this messy haired- wearing my shirt look but you can't leave the house like that." Mike winked and walked off into the kitchen again and Stan smiled a little at the skip in his step.

Stan sat in the driver's seat, one hand resting on the wheel and the other on the armrest. He still didn't trust Mike with operating a vehicle and insisted he drive.

Mike rested his arm next to Stan's, enjoying whenever their hands brushed each other's.

"So where did you say again," Stan's eyes were on the road as he drove. He didn't exactly know what to expect for this nice little drive but he just hoped it was good.

"The coffee place downtown. I have someone I'd like you to meet. I've been showing him around Derry, we have a lot in common too-" suddenly the car jerked to a stop.

"we're doing what?! With whom?!"


"You have a lot in common huh? Like what Mike?" Stan wouldn't admit it but he was definitely the jealous type, he barely tolerated Richie (or any of the losers) breathing Mike's direction.

Mike frowned softly, "baby, it's not like that I swear. He's African American too and you know how Derry is, I'm just showing him the ropes and what to avoid."

Stan rolled his eyes and continued to drive, "is he single?"


"Answer the question, Michael."

Mike sighed softly, "yes."

"Uh huh. You know what? You're right, maybe I should meet this new guy in town. We can show him the ropes together." Stan forced a smile and Mike was beginning to wish he drank more alcohol this morning.

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