Chapter 28: Help from a Hero

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Taipan put up a good fight. My heart pounded as my body felt like I had ran all day without stopping for a breather. I wasn't even the one doing all the fighting. It was all up to my Pokémon. Seeing how hard they were battling just exhausted me. I didn't even give Liligant any words of command. She wasn't really mine to begin with. All I worried about was Swanna, which wasn't that hard.

Surprisingly enough, when White Kyurem got back up during the fight, it seemed to become two times stronger than before. After the fall it took, I didn't know what to expect. I guess I just didn't expect White Kyurem to be so powerful. The moves it would use were just too strong.

"Swanna," I yelled, "Use ice beam!"

The Pokémon opened his mouth and hit Gengar head on. The Pokémon got some damage, but Gengar didn't seem to be frozen like I had hoped. Guess ice beam didn't always freeze an opponent though.

It would be nice if that could happen.

Taipan smirked, "Nuh-uh uh, sorry about your luck, but it's going to take more than that. Time to have all courage dissolve, and time to now mega evolve!"

Taipan grabbed something from his pocket as the light quickly escaped from it. When it finally disappeared, Gengar had somehow vanished. The Pokémon that took Gengar's place was even more terrifying. The Pokémon had a third eye, which was completely yellow with a dilated pupil in the middle. It smiled, but it wasn't the kind of smile like when Rudi saw Castelia Cones. No, this one made my whole body freeze as if I was standing in the middle of winter without a coat, standing face to face with death itself.

I trembled at the sight of it. How could anything look like this? It's purple body reminded me of Gengar's, but the the dark ruby color that was on it's arms—were they even arms—came out of warned me it couldn't be.

Cackling was the only thing that snapped me out of it as I turned my head, seeing Taipan with a matching smile, "Welcome to your worse nightmare, Mega-Gengar, you know what to do to her. White Kyurem, use dragon pulse."

Nothing came out of my mouth, not even a single breath as a wall of purple gas flooded towards me.

Then, darkness came.

I wasn't familiar with many Pokémon attacks, but this was a move I surely wasn't familiar with. What kind of move made everything disappear? Confusion? Hypnosis? I wasn't even sure. Whatever it was, I couldn't see a thing.

I turned around, looking for a way out, but I didn't see a thing. My body shook as I tried taking a step forward, only to hear a scream behind me. Twirling around, I saw nothing. Only purple smoke and the black sky surrounded me. All of my Pokémon, Taipan, and his Pokémon, they had all disappeared.

Once again, I was alone, just like that time in the basement. No one could save me now.

An evil laughed cracked through the soundless barrier. My heart pounded as I tried looking around, trying to find a way to escape. This desolation that surrounded me was slowly eating its way inside me, as if trying to give me the most painful death ever imaginable. This wasn't fair. Attacks were only meant for Pokémon. People weren't supposed to get caught up in this. It was far too dangerous.

Whatever move Taipan had used had cloaked me in total darkness. I wanted out, but how could I? I felt like I was living a nightmare. Moves like this never affected a Pokémon's mental ability. Surely there was something in my nursing notes I had written down at some point that could get me through this mess. Nothing came to mind.

My heart pounded harder and harder until that was all that filled my ear drums. How do I get out of this? I needed to get out of this.

No where to run and nowhere to hide, a familiar voice threatened, We won't be stopped. Evil doesn't rest.

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