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*A few months earlier*

"Breaking news as we've gotten word of yet another attack from the notorious Team Miasma," a young newscaster announced as he interrupted every channel on the television. "We're coming from you live as we catch all the information of what's going on in Opelucid City."

Everyone in the Unova Region seemed to have stopped whatever they were doing and turn their heads towards the television. Some people watched, knowing someone who lived near that city or had a rival that was planning on going to the Gym there. Hearing this news wasn't exactly comforting, so they watched, hoping that the Unovan Superhero would show up and save the day. Others watched in hopes to catch a glimpse as to what was going on, and hoped to see the famous Braviary Man make an appearance. He always seemed to do so whenever they were in need of a hero, but being that there was breaking news scattering everywhere, people started to worry.

In the small city of Nacerene, a trio of Trainers watched on the television, hoping everything there would be alright. One of those Trainers watched anxiously, tapping his fingers on the counter. He had forgotten why he had gotten there the second it happened. His focus was strictly on the television screen, hoping that somehow everything would be alright.

"Sir?" a voice tried snapping him out of it.

The boy turned to see the nurse working at the front counter. He was a bit confused at first, forgetting the formalities given earlier. All he knew were three things. The first was that this girl was too young to be a Pokémon Nurse. The second was that she didn't wear the stereotypical outfit of an apron and dress that all Nurse Joys did. Instead, she wore a pink shirt and white jeans, with her black hair pulled back and glasses on her face. Because she looked different, he knew this girl wasn't Nurse Joy.

As to why she was talking to him confused the boy. After all, Opelucid City was under an attack. He wanted to watch that and not talk to some assistant working the front desk.

He was about to be rude to her and tell her to be quiet when he noticed his Poké Ball lying on the tray. Somehow, ever since the broadcast of Braviary Man in Opelucid City came on, the boy had forgotten why he came into the Pokémon Center in the first place. More so, the boy had forgotten that he was even inside a Pokémon Center.

"Thanks," he muttered as he took the Poké Ball from the girl and placed it on his belt.

Just then, the entire room bursted into cheers, or at least, the other two Trainers that were there inside the Pokémon Center started to cheer on the top of their lungs. The boy looked up, catching a blurry image of young man in a skintight, red and blue suit. His heart started to race a bit as he recognized the guy from any other time he was on television. It was the famous Braviary Man, there to stop Team Miasma from causing anymore harm from Opelucid City.

Once again, the boy became engulfed in the television, watching the hour long broadcast without moving a single muscle. The Trainer was amazed by what Braviary Man would do to keep the region safe.

He watched as the camera on the screen changed angles, and as it did, it caught the perfect angle of the superhero. The young Trainer couldn't believe it. For the first time in history, Braviary Man was actually looking into the camera, showing off his blond hair and a feathered mask.

"You all need to get out of here," Braviary Man looked past the camera as he screamed. "This city isn't safe for everyone. Run for cover, now!"

"Braviary Man, can we ask you a few questions?" someone asked.

"What exactly happened here today?" another inquired.

"Could you tell us the designer of your suit?" a third voice had to chime in.

Swanna Girl and Braviary ManWhere stories live. Discover now