Chapter 9 "Long lost sister"

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Levi's POV

I Went to the Marine government for my job and finding some files about Hanji's sister Nanaba.

When I Enter my office I already saw Mike placing some big pile of paper.
'Perfect timing' I thought.

"Mike I'm glad your here I want you to find some File" mike raised an Eyebrow and said.

"What kind of file do you want me to find?" He ask.

"Well my girlfriend's sister is looking for her sister name 'nana-" he cut me and said.

"Nanaba?" He Finished

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Nanaba is my love.... The one that I told you 8 months ago" he said.
My eyes widen.

"Levi help me find her, I've been looking for her Like 3years. Please help me find her" he begged.

"Mike, that's why I'm asking you to help finding her as well" I said patting his Shoulder.


By the following minutes Levi explained all the situation he and Hanji had. And yet Mike understands it well, Just like him in his story With Nanaba.

"Here is it! Mike!" Shouted Levi desperately.

"What is it?!"

Mike's hope raised when he heard Levi. It was late night already.
Yet Levi call Hanji has would be late coming home, he tells Hanji that they almost find nanaba.

"Here" Levi Click the computer where the navigator to find person's Address.

"Trost city?" Levi ask in confusion.

"That's where my uncle was but I don't know if he already change the address he had" mike said worriedly.

"Mike don't lost hope idiot we almost Find Nanaba! Just to get this place and now where done!" He explained. Encouraging his friend not to lost hope.

"Your right" he mumble.

"Its only 75 miles away from our city? Are you in buddy?" Levi said leaning a fist bump on Mike. They're been friends since they meet in the job. They treated each other like brothers.
Having a respect to each other.

"I'm on it" he accepted his fist bump.

They've been traveling like 2 hours. By the help of Levi's speed they got easily arrived. Levi contact Hanji quickly telling her to not worry "Hanji babe I'll be right home on exactly 12 o'clock." He said "please Levi come home safely" Hanji replied.
Levi look at his watch and said that's it said ' 8:50 P.M'

"Mermaid club?" Levi ask confused.

"Well, my uncle use to work bar club" he explained.

Before they enter the club They disguise themselves as customers.
When they enter the club they were greeted by alcoholic scent and some disco music.

"How can we find nanaba with all this bastards around?!" He whispered.

"Just be patient Levi" he mutter.

"Good evening Everyone, this is the one and only you've been waiting for!"

They were about to Take a sit when a sexy women went to them.
"Hey handsome" she flirt Levi.

"Tch" Levi avoided The women by saying "Tch I don't like filthy women"

Mike and Levi jerk up when they saw a women who's has a blonde hair that was cut but has Slender body. Mike's face turns into frown, its He's been seeing a ghost or something.

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