chapter 20(ending)"Life upon us"

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10 years later...

"Mommy!! Big brother!! took my doll!" A 5 year old girl name Isabel Marina Zoe Ackerman who was yelling throughout her room. Isabel Marina Zoe Ackerman the youngest daughter of Levi and Hanji. She has her mothers brown hair and eyes, And her joyful side. she went downstairs to her mother that was cooking their dinner. "Mommy! Big brother took my Doll!" Hanji smiles as she sees her daughter whining and some tears on her face, she looks so cute when she's crying.
Hanji giggles and bend down to her height. "Don't worry mommy will tell big brother to return the doll,okay?" She nodded.

"Drake?! Come down her please!" She looked at the stairs to see a raven haired boy who has a handkerchief on his mouth to cover some speck of dust and some of his head to cover his hair, Farlan drake Zoe Ackerman. A 10 year old kid who has the obsession of cleaning like his father,Levi.

"Yes mom? I was about to Finnish dusting the Book shelf" He complained "well your sister was looking for her doll and have you seen it?" Hanji ask obviously raising her eyebrow, tapping her foot. Waiting for his son's answer.

Drake looks above and twirled his fingers behind him. "What kind of doll you are referring to?" Hanji lost patient and twisted her son's ear "how many times do I have to tell you that don't lie to me?" " aw.. Aw. Aw mom that hurts! I just have take it cause its so full of mud yet I don't like dirty things like mud!" He said while struggling on his mother's arm.
Hanji didn't let go unless she knows where it is. "Where is it young man?" Hanji lose her grip "Is in the washroom it isn't dry yet!" He grumbled. Hanji only chuckled as she new that he has his Cleanfreak side like his father. "Ouch that hurts!" He whisper to himself as he went upstairs to Finnish his daily routine. And little Isabel went to the washroom to get her doll.


Hanji prepares some foods on the table for their dinner. "Drake, Isabel come down here dinner is ready!" Hanji yells to the stairs as the kids run down.

The door bell rings and grabbing their attention. "Daddy!!" Isabel rush to the door and open it to see Levi who was behind the door. Levi scooped Isabel in his arms and carry him to the dining room. "How's my princess doing?" He ask as he plant some kiss on her cheek. "Daddy big brother took my doll" she pouted "why" he stop and looks at her then playfully pouts. "Because he said that its dirty" Levi smiles at her and said "Don't worry daddy will buy you some new doll!" Isabel's eye lit up and said "Thank you daddy!!" She hugs his neck as they went to the dining room.
"Mommy daddy's home!" Isabel shouts as Hanji serves the chicken soup. "Levi your back" she greeted him with a soft kissed on cheek as she grabs his black jacket. "Hey dad" Farlan said not even looking his father "Drake that's how you greeted your dad?" Hanji ask to drake which make him gulp. "Yes mom!" He crippled. Levi faces Hanji and smirk at her, Hanji saw the seducing smirk and wink at him.

The dinner was quite until Isabel broke the silence.

"Mommy? Daddy? Can we visit grandpa?" Isabel ask innocently.

Hanji looks at Levi, telling him that if would be a good idea to visit Hanji's parents.

"Is it okay for you drake?" Levi ask to his son that was still eating.

"We'll its fine" he said.

"Then it settled!" Hanji smiled at them.

"Yay!" Isabel put her hands in the air and run to the stairs. Followed by Drake, leaving Hanji and Levi behind.

Hanji stands up and started to pick the plates. "Hey" Levi ask seductively as he put his hands on her waist.

"Levi?!" Hanji gigle.

"What you didn't missed?" He pouts.

"Well I give you a reward tonight?" Hanji playfully put her arms on his neck. He was about to kiss him when Drake interrupt "dad?" Hanji quickly pull her away from Levi. "Yes what is it?" Levi tried to make himself calm.

"Never mind! Dad!" Drake awkwardly walk away.

When drake was finally disappeared from their sight.

Levi and Hanji share a passionate kiss.


They didn't know that drake was hiding behind.

Sneaky little brat..

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