Chapter 12 "Unbreakable love"

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Levi was the first who woke up early in the morning.

He look up at the ceiling and back to Hanji who was sleeping peacefully.

He gently strokes Her hair not wanting to wake her up.

He had this soft smile on his Face that he could ever had, with his lover beside her.

Their Bodies Are naked yet the blankets and the Bedsheets are draping their naked body.

He feel bliss and refresh because of that night. He was great full to know that Hanji didn't hold back. He was lucky that he had a women like her.

'Hanji, you are mine now. Only mine' Levi thought as he gently kissed Hanji's forehead.

This cause Hanji to move and wake up. "Levi?" She was very tired when they make love last night.

Levi chuckle and kissed Hanji on the lips."Morning My love" he said seductively.

"Good morning too! Levi" she said and smile softly closing her eyelids.

"Have you sleep well?" He ask hugging her closer to him. Levi didn't care the nudity between the two of them all he cares is the women that he love the most.

"Well I'm so very tired Levi should I sleep more" she gigle and put her arms on Levis neck. Levi went to her cleavage, pillowing her breast.

"I'm glad that you choose me, Hanji" he mumbles under his breath.

"Well I'm glad that I have a man like you Levi" she gigle as she plays his raven hair.

They stayed Like this in hour but Levi decided to get up and make their breakfast.


Michael was still waiting in the Kingdom for Hanji's returned,he gets suspicious when Hanji didn't return until now.

"Mother? Where is Hanji?" He ask as he swim forward to her Mother who was Watching in the crystal ball.
"Well let's see shall we" she said with a devilish smile. She was motioning her Hands on the crystal ball and whispers some unknown words. Once she was Finnish she call her son to look at it and doesn't seem good when he sees it.

"Baby I made some breakfast" said Levi handing her the tray full of breakfast food. Michael can feel his blood boils in angriness and what pissed him more is that he saw Hanji was naked and the blankets are the one to cover her nudity. "Levi I'm still tired" she whined.

"Gahhhh!!!! That son of bitch?!!" He yelled in frustration. "Calm down my son its not over yet" his mother trying to calm him down. His hand clench in angerness, how would this love would be unbreakable? Why? Humans and mermaids can't be together!.

"Mother?! I'm not giving up on her!" He yelled to his mother "but son! Its imp-" before she could speak again Michael slams the door behind leaving her mother from the eternal darkness.

She sigh and do what his son's request.

Heyaa my lovely readers. I'm sorry that this chapter is very Short and I'll make it longer. By the next chapter bye.

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