Chapter 18 "Reception"

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(Credited by Mamiya_163 or Rix)

"Smile!" The photo shooter said as he shoot some pictures, And it was like an endless taking some pictures.

Hanji's parents arrived and some of the other merpoeple arrived too.

Some of the marine members. They were about to attack but Erwin assures them that they are not enemies.

"Sir they ar-" the man said ready to fire Erwin raised his hand for silence.

"Calm down they are not enemies, if you shoot you will face Levi's wrath" he said flatly trying to calm his men's, when Erwin mention the name 'Levi' they're crippled in fear.

"Hi everyone!" Hanji greeted them as she waved to them.

"Congratulations! Princess Hanji!!" The merpoeple greeted Hanji.

"Princess?" The people get suspicious
Of Hanji when they heard the word 'princess'.

Nows the time that Hanji became nervous, would they ever think that she's insane?, freak or something.

"So that's why she's quite beautiful isn't she?" The other one said.

"Yeah, I believe so she's really pretty" Hanji was relief when she heard a few compliments behind her.

"Hanji, Congratulations! I'm so proud  of you" Her mother said while they were in the water.

"Congratulations my little daughter" Her father chuckles. Hanji grumbled and said "Father! I'm not Little anymore!" She whined. They all laugh  of Hanji's childish side.

"Well wouldn't you know that Levi would found his true love! Cheers" Eld said as he raised a cup of beer.

"Levi! Congratulations!" Levi was greeted by Marine members. As they take an endless pictures.

Hanji looks at her husband that have been congratulated. She smiles as she rub her small Baby bump.

"Hanji" a hand grabbed behind her making her startle "oh Michael, haven't you eat yet?! Come yo-" Michael cut her and said "Hanji I'm sorry that I'm trying to break your relationship with Levi and-" this time Hanji was having an opportunity to cut him and said "Michael I already forgive you so don't worry" she softly and smiles at him. He returned the smile and said "tell me if he hurts you and I will cut his balls right away!" He teased making Hanji laughed "Michael!" she accidentally slap behind his back making him wince in pain and laugh harder.

The day was filled with some happy memories of their wedding, opening some gifts and some garter tossed game.

"Nows the time for Garter tossed!" The coordinator announce, Levi looks at Hanji seductively and went down to her gown. Hanji couldn't help it but to blushed harder as Levi went to down to her and lifted her gown further to her thighs to see a garter, Levi looks at her with mischievous gleam.

Instead of using his hands he uses his white teeth, Pulling it out slowly.

The crowed went wild as they see this, Some of them wolf whistling. When hes done.

Levi waved the garter on his index, signing that he was about to tossed the garter.

Some of the marine members that are still single went up to the game, they counted 1 to 3 to tossed the garter.




Levi tossed it to the air. As the Men's jumps to catch it but failed. Oluo catch as he charming himself that he catches the garter.

"Nows for the time to pick his bride!" The coordinate was mentioning the bouquet tossed.

Hanji turned herself and behind her was some single ladies or her Junior bridesmaids.

They counted again three times as she tossed her bouquet in the air. The ladies jump's to catch it but it was landed on Petra's hands.

Petra's face blushed harder as she face Oluo. Oluo went to her and kneel down to her feet, Petra's tiny feet raised up to put the garter on her thigh. It was awkward but the crowed whistles as they saw this. Oluo stands up and whisper to Petra's ear which make Petra gleam up and hug him.

They watch them in awed.

Levi face Hanji that was smiling widely.

Levi was very luck to have her and the mother of his children they were really meant to be each other.


"Everyone I'm gonna missed you!" Hanji turned to face her father "I'm gonna missed you father" she said as she went to the water that avoided her.

(A:N some sort of a magical water or anything you can imagined)

Hanji to hug his father.

"Father I'm gonna miss you so much!" Said Nanaba sadly as a tear slip on her face.

"Don't worry Nanaba, you could always visit us her in the sea where your people live" Nanaba couldn't take it and hug his father.

"Don't you missed me?" Hanji face moblit and smile softly "How would I forget my brother" she hugs him longingly "I'm gonna miss you my little sister" he muttered under his breath.

They break their hug and Moblit kissed Hanji's forehead.

"Hanji" a monotone voice came from behind her when she turn, she could see Levi smiles and said "Let's go" Hanji walk to him and glance one last time of the sea that lives her people waving to her.

"Well this is a goodbye now" she sad sadly as she looks at them. And started to walk to their new home.


"You ready?" Levi asked while he was covering Hanji's eyes. "Ready!" Hanji
Exclaim, when Levi remove hands slowly she could see a huge house.

"Wow.. Levi" Hanji cupped her mouth as she saw in front of her, it was a surprise that Levi would do anything to her and a house? "Levi?" She stammered.

"Well you see this is our new life, and to our kids" he smirk.

Hanji giggles, as she puts her arms around Levi's neck and Levi lifted her up as well.


arrying her in a bridal style..

Love is cruel when you in counter  it but it will soon be crippled when you face it.

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