1Chapter 16 "Somethings changed"

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(Once again not my edit)

Levi's POV

"Bye Father! And Mother!, don't forget that the wedding reception is near in the ocean!" Hanji bid her parents to go in our wedding.

While i was about to turn on the the engine, when i was grabbed behind and pull the end of the bout I was dragged deep in the ocean and lost unconscious "Levi!" I hear Hanji Screamed my name but still I lost unconscious.

Hanji's POV

Levi was dragged and I don't know who? "Levi!" I screamed for his name. I was about to dive in when Nanaba grabbed my shoulder.


"Nanaba! I have to save him!" I was struggle on Nanaba's gripped when she says "Hanji don't! Forget your pregnant and yet you may lost your baby!" She's right.

"Don't worry Hanji Levi knows how to swim don't worry" when Mike said that perfect timing Levi's Back.

"Levi! Babe! What Happen!?" I ask frantically giving him some towel.

"Don't worry I just tripped!" He said as smirk and he caressed my cheeks. Something wrong the warmth of his Hands that fulls of Kind and Love, Change into pride and Lust?.

I took his hand and look at it. It seems that his hands are the same but I don't feel the love of it. "Something wrong?" He ask and his voice is not like some sort of sweet and kind but i only feel it like lust?. I push my thoughts away and said "no, Let's get going" I help Levi stands up and mike turns on the boat.

I feel a hand snakes to my waist down to my region. "Levi!" I whisper as I flick his Hand away in my lower region.

"Come on your no fun?" He teases.
"Not now" I hissed, Its not the Levi that I know that is sweet and kind.

So who is he?

"Hanji let's get married right now in the afternoon" that makes me shock. I thought that the wedding is next week. "Levi is it in next we-" he cut me and said "No this afternoon".

I know something's and who is he?.

Levi's POV

'No! Hanji! Don't trust! Him! He's not the real me!' I was dragged deeper by some merman's as they laughing to me.


I was dragged this bastard again. Michael "hahaha its seems that you pretty going well" he teases me as he transforms himself into me. 'What he can do that?!' Many thoughts run into my mind as he was about to face the surface.

I squirm to get his attention to me "haha don't worry Levi I would just replaced you so that I would be you and Hanji would love me instead the real you and of coarse your child, I will take care of it and love it as my own child" my blood boils as I was struggled by this stupid merman's grip. "Save your breath midget!, urgh I hate this height! How come Hanji likes you when your height is short as Guppy!" He said as he went to surface.
'And handsome to' I thought as I was dragged deep down.


"What should we do to him?"

"Maybe we should dump him one of the sharks"

"Dude that fantastic!" While they were talking I quickly kick the other merman's stomach.

They lost their gripped and I quickly swim.

"You son of a bitch!" He yelled as he went to towards me.

I swim faster to the surface to get some air when a school of fish went to me and covers me.

"What the?" They were shock what they saw.

"Should I tell you to get away from my brother in law?" That voice was very familiar.

Its moblit! "Aww again princy!? You can't scare with us"They teased.

Moblit didn't react instead he snapped to fingers.

A large tuna went to them and dragged their tails.

They went to the south "wait! Don't feed us to the sharks please!" They beg but Moblit didn't tolerate them instead he turn his back.

"Noo!!!" They screamed.

I went to surface and take a long breath "hey Levi what are you doing her your supposed to be with Hanj-" I cut and said.

"moblit! Help me get to shore right now!" I said desperately


"Moblit!? Remember Michael when he wants Hanji?,He pretends into me and now he wants to own her and my child!!" I accidentally yell becuase of desperation.

"Sorry! I shouldn't yell at you" he smiled as he leans his hand on my shoulder "don't worry your my brother in law I will help you, I live Hanji and I will do anything to make her only happy" he said and he put his thumb and index finger to whistle.

A huge whale was underneath on us. Moblit went backwards as the whale lifted me above. "Whoa!" I was amazed of how big it is.

"Moblit thank you!!!" Moblit motion his hand to proceed to the seashore.
The whale seems to understands as he started to flip his tail.

'Hanji wait for me don't believed his antics towards to you pleased!' I thought as the whale started to swim but he remain his head on the surface so I could breath.


Mean while...

Aren't you excited my love said Levi (Michael) as he walks into Hanji's room fixing her gown. "yes I'm" Hanji said flatly as the makeup artist brush her cheeks.

'Now that bastard Levi is dead you are mine now Hanji only mine' he thought as he left the room.

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