Yoongi ♡ Alice in Wonderland AU

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Published: October 19, 2018
Rewritten: January 3, 2024

Word count: 2,530

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

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♤ ♡ ♧ ♢

You continued to dart down the uneven stone pathway, running relentlessly even when you felt you were far enough away to stop and walk for a bit. Eventually, your legs started to ache as the adrenaline wore off and fear no longer fueled you. You knew you had to slow down sooner or later, but you feared if you did, it would run the risk of the bandersnatch catching up somehow-that is if Jungkook and Jimin couldn't defeat it.

It didn't take very long for you to realize your surroundings were changing. The cobblestone path was becoming more worn down, the rocks more sparse, and the odd, yet lively plants that surrounded the trail were now replaced with dead tree limbs that resembled long, spindly fingers, and dried up flowers that had lost their color, not to mention the eerie fog covering the ground. Your running slowed to a walk as you scanned the area.
You hadn't the slightest idea where you were. You were lost and alone with no one around to guide you through this unfamiliar land that was so different from home. At that point, you started thinking that staying with Jungkook and Jimin was a better choice, even if you risked getting yourself killed by doing so.

Peering ahead, you saw what looked like a sign with multiple arrows in various sizes pointing in multiple directions. You released a sigh of relief, glad to have found some sort of means to point you in the right direction.
"Thank goodness."
You made your way down the fog-covered path until you reached the sign. Your hopes were immediately crushed when you didn't see Hatter anywhere on it. As a matter of fact, the signs didn't even make sense. All the arrows were pointing in different directions and were labeled: here, there, this way, that way, yonder, turn around, wrong way.
"This doesn't even make any sense." You mumbled under your breath.
Where's there? And what's this way? Better yet, what's that way?
Tears began to well in your eyes. None of the signs were helpful and you didn't know which way would lead you out. It seemed silly to cry over something like this, but your worry and frustration had built up so much that it was being released in the form of crying and there was no way to stop it. You collapsed on the ground, feeling utterly defeated.
"I'll never get out of here." You sobbed hopelessly to yourself, sniffling softly.
"You're a long way from where you need to be, aren't you, little one?"
You lifted your head at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, scanning your surroundings for the source, not seeing a single person anywhere in the vicinity.
"Who said that?"
A deep chuckle came from somewhere up in the trees, your eyes darting frantically about the area trying to find the source of the voice.
"Stop playing around!" You stood up and wiped your eyes. "Where are you?"
"Over here." He tittered lowly.
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, but again, you didn't see anyone. Spinning on your heel, you whirled around and saw a man stretched out on a thick tree limb, except this person wasn't fully a man. He had grey cat ears that stuck out of his long, black hair and a tail with turquoise stripes that swished back and forth lazily behind him.
He sported a leather jacket with a ripped up white t-shirt underneath and black jeans with tears in the knees paired with a pair of chunky leather boots.

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