Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning at about nine. Usually I would have been up for hours but I guess I needed the sleep. I changed my clothes and walked out into the living room grabbing the keys from the table and getting in the car. 

The last time I drove a car was before me and Danmark were together. I started the car and pulled out of the driveway, heading for the hospital. Sweden, Finland, and Sealand were going to stay back and clean while I went and picked Danmark up from the hosplital. 

The hospital was about twenty or thirty minutes away from the house so I wasn't a long drive. I wasn't paying much attention to anything but the road and almost missed my turn. Once at the hospital I parked out front, took the keys out of the ingnition and walked inside. 

"Oh hello Lucas, are you here to pick up Mathias?" Someone said from behind me. I turned on my heals to see Dane's doctor, Christin. 

"Ja, why?" I asked. She smiled. 

"He's been waiting for you all morning, come on I'll help you get him out of here saftly." She said. I nodded following her to Danmark's room. She knocked on the door. "Mathias someone is here to pick you up." She said. The door opened a few secconds later. 

"Norge!" Danmark yelled hugging me almost immediatly. 

"Mathias." I said quietly. 

"I miss you ya know?" He said smiling I nodded. 

"Likewise." I said. "Come on lets get you home." I said. He smiled and nodded. 

After I signed him out we got into the car. 

"Norge please tell me you didn't cry yourself to sleep last night." He said. I looked at him smiling. 

"Actually I didn't." I said. He smiled and leaned over to me. 

"Jeg elsker dig Norge." He said givving me a kiss. I kissed him back smiling. "Are we going to tell everyone today?" He asked. I nodded almost immediatly. 

"The question is how?" I said. He smiled. 

"Let me do the talking you just round everybody up and get them into the living room." He said I nodded thoughtfully. He knew I didn't like having to break news to anyones, let alone talk to people much. The only ones I was able to have a conversation with is Danmark and Iceland. 

We got home about twenty minutes later and instead of going ang getting everyone strait off we went into our room. 

"I need to take a shower." I said, finally realizing I hadn't showered in two days. The Dane smiled and walked up behind me as I was digging through my dresser for clothes, placing both his hands on my hips. "Nei." I said turning to face him. 

"But Norge-"

"I said no. Maybe tomorrow night okay?" I said smiling and grabbing his tie. 

"Alright well you go get your shower." He said leaning down and kissing me. I kissed him back and begain to walk way. 

I walked into the bath room and turned the water faucet on. I took my clothes off and stood infront of the mirror. I looked down at my side noticing an all to familliar scar reminding me of how it got there. 


"Come on Nor, I won't hurt you much." He said looking down at me. I had my hands bownd behind my back and my feet bownd together. He brushed his hand across my cheek.

"Nei, d-d-drittsekk!" I said, turning my head away from him. He gripped my face firmly and pulled it so I was looking directly at him. 

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He said pulling a knife out of his pocket. I looked up at him and spit at him. He wiped his face off. "The hard way it is then." He sighed. "And I though you wanted to live. Oh well." He said, placing the tip of the knife on my side. 

I instinctively jerked away from the cold metal of the blade. Not long after he pushed the blade into my side slowly. I screamed and tride to jerk away from the intrusion but he ketp the blade in place. He slowly begain to drag it down in a diaginal line toward my back. 

*Flashback end*

"Norge are you alright?" I heard someone say knocking on the door. 

"J-ja." I said wiping my face. I didn't realize it but I was in the shower and crying. 

"Can I come in?" Danmark asked. 

"Ja." I said, getting out of the shower and wrapping my towel around my waist. Danmark opened the door and walked in just as I turned the water off. He walked up behind me and placed his hands on my hips again. He let go and sat down on the toilet. I grabbed my boxers and turned away from him pulling my boxers on. 

"Nor, what's that?" He asked. I looked at him confused. "Come here." He said. I came a little closer to him and he place his hand on the scar on my side. I jumped and backed away hiding it the bast I could. 

"I-its nothing!" I said. 

"Nor please tell me." He said. 

"Later but not now. Now we have to go tell everyone" I said. He nodded as I pulled on the rest of my clothes. We walked out of the bathroom and into our room. 

"Go get the others and meet me in the living room okay?" He said. I nodded. He kissed my forehead and left. I walked out soon after.

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