Chapter Eight

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"Alex." I laughed.

"Don't lie. You'd love sex right now." Alex said still laying on me.

"I would but..." I stopped. "I promised my mom."

"And I'm a Christian yet I'm grinding on you and you're turning me on." He said with his hand along the line of my boxers.

"You're turning yourself on." I laughed. He sighed.

"17 is the proper age to lose your virginity." Alex said playing with my beanie.

"I don't like saying no, Alex. Stop this." I laughed. "Plus you'll smell like sex, all day."

"Sex smells good." He said as he stopped moving on top of me. He laid down on me. I could feel his erection which was turning me on.

"You are making me horny, assface." I said kissing him.

"At least let me touch you." He said rubbing my thigh near my crotch.

"Alex..." I whined as he sat up on top of me. I sat up and connected our lips. Instead of just a regular kiss it turned into a heavy makeout session. "I love you." I gasped.

"I love you too." He said pulling his face back from mine. "Can we go downtown now?" He said getting off of me and laying down on his bed.

"Fuck me." I whispered kissing his neck.

"Later." He whispered back. I kissed him again. I sat up and stood up. I fixed my beanie using Alex's mirror.

"C'mon." I said holding out my hand. Alex grabbed onto my hand and stood up. I held his hand while walking back downstairs. Alex walked into his kitchen and grabbed both of us water. They were fancy waters I'd never seen. "Are you ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said.

"You're sounding more American." I laughed.

"Yeah, I know." He kissed me. I walked out the front door and he followed me. He had house keys. He shut the door and came down to my car.

"'Sorry, this car is a piece of shit." I said getting in. Alex shut the door behind him.

"No, its cute." He smiled.

"I bought it myself and got into and accident and couldn't afford a new one." I told him driving out of his driveway.

"Awh, baby." Alex said holding my hand. I got onto the highway heading downtown.

"We're almost there. Do you wanna just park at the big parking lot and then walk?" I asked him.

"Sure." Alex said looking out the window.

"I swear you are the cutest boy on the planet." I said rubbing my thumb down his thumb. He blushed.

"I love you." He said. I got off the highway pulling into the largest parking lot down town and getting out of the car. I  put my phone and walet in my pocket. I held my keys with my left and Alex's hand with my right. "What if you see people from school?" Alex asked.

"I don't care." I said kissing him. I locked my doors and started walking. "What do you want to see?" I asked.

"Anything." He said putting on his sunglasses.

"I'm starving, we could eat and then shop or see a movie? Or see stuff you don't get to see."  I said crossing the street. We continued to walk. "Down in Inner Harbor, National Aquarium is there?" I questioned.

"Sea animals?" He asked me. I nodded. "I've never done that!" Alex said excitedly.

"We'll do that." I told him making him jump. "I see you're excited."

"I am." He laughed.

"First I wanna eat." I smiled. We walked down the street to a cart. We both got hotdogs and continued to walk to Inner Harbor. Alex and I sat down along the deck and talked. "What is the craziest thing you've done?" I asked him.

"One time at my old school in Essex they had a party. It was more of a Blackout Binge but we drank a shit load of beer and all passed out. Some girl had a 4 way and some weird shit happened." Alex said, "My mom was pissed when she found out about it."

"Damn. I really want to go to the UK." I laughed.

"I'm going after my birthday. Maybe you can go!" Alex smiled.

"I'd love too. During Winter Vacation?" I asked.

"I think so." He continued to say, "It'd be really amazing if you went."

"I've never fucking left the East Coast." I said embarrassing myself. Alex and I stood up.

"I love you, Jack." Alex said hugging me.

"I love you more." I kissed the top of his head. Alex was about four inches shorter than I was. We walked down the Pier to the aquarium and I bought us tickets.


After spending three hours at the aquarium we were back at Alex's house. We were sitting on his couch watching a movie. I didn't know what movie it was because it was just background noise. Alex and I were having a heavy makeout session.

"I love you so much." Alex said as I kissed his neck. I could feel him rubbing his body against mine trying to make me hard. I heard him gasp. Alex was laying on top of me rubbing my head.

"No sex." I said kissing his cheek.

"My mom will be home any minute." He said moving his hand down my body and stopped at my thigh. "But we could still do it."

"Alex." I moaned as he grabbed my thigh. At this point we were both wearing only our boxers.

"Your cute when you can't control yourself." Alex said kissing my neck. Alex rubbed above the waist of my boxers. "We could do it right here, right now." He kissed me not letting me talk.

"Fuck." I moaned through the kiss. "Please-" I was cutoff by Alex kissing me again. "-stop."

"Happy Birthday, Jack." He said to me making me smile. I wanted to have sex. But I didn't think I was ready.

"Alex." I whined.

"Yes baby?" He replied.

"I don't think I'm ready." I whined.

"I'm sorry." Alex said helping me sit up.

"No, Alex, I'm sorry. I really like you." I kissed him, "We're 17." I whispered. Alex and I put our clothes back on. He was laying on me and I was laying on the couch. After he fell asleep I started to drift off. I was never fully asleep. I heard his mom walk in the door making me shoot up.

"I'm home, Alexander." She said waking him up. He looked at me and smiled.

"She's going to fucking kill me." He yawned. "I'm okay with that."

"I fucking love you." I said kissing his cheek. His mom walked in just as I did so. "I'm sorry, I'm going to leave now."

"Sit down." She said pointing to the couch. Alex and I both slouched down.

"I'm staying with Jack tonight." Alex said hugging me.

"Who said you could do that?" She asked.

"Me, if you keep doing this, I'll live with dad, in Essex." Alex said.

"Just go." She said pointing to the door. Alex and I went up to his room and got his clothes and other things. Without saying goodbye Alex and I left.

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