Chapter Three

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At 8:30 Alex and I left for open-mic night.

"Do you sing?" He asked me walking out of the door. I was holding a flashlight for the woods.

"No." I told him, "Do you?"

"A little." He said, "I don't think I could ever sing in front of anyone."

"Give it a try." I told him.

"I have major anxiety, Jack. Even if I wanted to, I still never could." He said, "I'd have a heart attack."

"We'll work on it." I smiled.

"Okay." He said stopping in front of the dark wooded area.

"C'mon." I said flipping on the flashlight. He grabbed onto my arm and started walking behind me. We walked down the path.

"Stop being this nice, Jack." Alex said moving his hand so we were holding  hands.

"I'm not." I told him trying not to blush.

"You're really sweet." Alex said. I blushed. We stopped at the stage. There were camp chairs, logs, and a fire. They had the stage lit up with 4 microphones lined along the side.

"Where do you want to sit?" I asked him. He walked back to the back and sat on a log and motioned for me to sit. "Are you warm enough?" He nodded. I sat down beside him. I felt his hand slide along my leg. I didn't say anything to him. I just let it happen.


About 15 minutes later everyone was there and our consoulers kicked it off. Alex was leaned toward me, but not on me.

Lots of people went up and sang. They were singing pop songs. I knew none of them, by the look on Alex's face he was the same way. I was ready for someone to walk up and sing, New Found Glory, blink-182, or Green Day. Yet there was no luck. We had to hurry back to the cabins before curfew, which was 11pm. We made it back just in time. I was wearing gym shorts and my hoodie and I fell asleep. Zack was across the room choking. He snored so loud. I used to wear earplugs to sleep. I was used to it. I felt bad for Alex, who had only lived in America for under a month. He probably heard this.

Around 2 in the morning I woke up. I was a heavy sleeper but, something woke me up. There was a dim light from under me. Alex had turned on the lamp. He was laying down in his bed looking at a book. I couldn't see what book it was, but he was reading.

"Alex.. are you awake?" I asked him.

"Yeah," He whispered, "Sorry." I climbed out of my bed onto the floor.

"Its okay." I told him.

"Sorry, I got sick and, I'm sorry." He said sitting up. I sat on his bed.

"Don't be sorry. Are you okay?" I said. Alex hugged me and nodded. "You really like to hug." I said laughing.

"Just you." He said quietly, "Just you." I smiled.


"I don't know." He said, "It feels right." He let go of me.

"I have a question." I told him.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"Are you gay?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"I don't know." He paused, "I like you. Does that make me gay?"

"Like or like like?" I asked nervous for the answer.

"Like like." Alex said hiding his eyes.

"I like you too, Alex, a lot." I told him. He stayed silent.

"Do people know? That you like-" I stopped him.

"Yeah, my sisters friend, her name is Alex too." I told him.

"That's it?" He asked.

"And you." I said. He smiled.

"I feel weird. I just met you, not even 24 hours ago." He said, "But it feels right. You're so sweet, and cute, and I like you, Jack." He said.

"Don't feel weird." I told him. I brushed his hair out of his eyes. "You're really cute, Alex." He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"I don't anymore." He kissed my cheek. My face felt really hot. I knew I was blushing.

"Shh, Zack is sleeping." I said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek again. His lips were soft and little. It felt amazing. I put my face against his neck and kept it there. I watched him get goosebumps as I breathed on him. He touched my hair with one hand and kept ahold of my hand with the other. I looked up and fully sat up not losing his grip.

"I'm tired." He told me.

"I am too." I said yawning. I stood up climbing into my bed.

"I want you to stay here." Alex said.

"I can't. Zack will see." I told him, "Good Night, Alex."

"Good Night, Jack." He said turning off his lamp. I fell asleep thinking of Alex.


I woke up the next morning around 8. There was still nothing for camp today. Camp didnt offically start until June 1st. It was May 28th. I had four more days. Breakfast was served 8-10. I climbed out of my bed and looked at Alex. He was still sound asleep. Zack was gone. Him and Rian were best friends. He was lost without him. I grabbed some clothes and went to get dressed. I was waiting for Alex to eat. When I got out of the bathroom Alex was awake. He was sitting up with a blank stare toward Zack's bed.

"Good Morning." I said.

"Good Morning." He smiled at me.

"Camp activites don't start until Saturday. Do you want too do something today?" I asked him sitting on the foot of his bed.

"Take me somewhere." He said smiling, "Like a date."

"Okay." I said, "Lets eat and we can swim." Alex stood up. He was wearing his boxers and a white t-shirt. He grabbed his shorts and a shirt and walked into the bathroom. He came back out dressed. "So a date?"

"Yeah." Alex said grabbing a water bottle off the table, "A date."

"Friends..." I sighed.

"No, more than friends." Alex smiled, "I wasn't joking, Jack."

"I'd love too!" I said hugging him. He hugged me back.

"I really need food." He told me. I let go of him. He walked out the door. I followed him. "Is there a more private thing we could do? besides swim."

"We could try canoes again, we could hike, find a place more secluded to swim." I said to him holding the door open for the cafeteria. "There is a fort in the woods we could go too."

"A real fort, I'd love to try that." He said sitting down with his food.

"I'll take you there." I said sitting beside him, watching him eat American food.


Hey guys! So I'm trying something new! What do you think?

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