Baby mama drama ?

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      As I'm sitting here I get a call on messenger from a Zonnique Adams. I answer. She's crying then quickly says "Hello, I'm Zo. I'll be the first to say yes I knew about you. I know I shouldn't have slept with him, but I did. He stated he was only fucking me because y'all was separated, but y'all was gonna bounce back. I couldn't handle this so I got off birth control and one night I got him really drunk. I just wanted him to be mine. Long story short I'm 7 months pregnant" she started balling more. Like this bitch had the audacity to cry like she's the one hurt. I tried to control myself but I had to cuss this bitch out.
      I called Kasidee on some grown woman shit. She wasn't trying to hear all that. She started calling me all types of hoes. What hurt the most is when she said "You ole dumb trick , fuck You and that baby. Both of you bitches can die in an unexplainable house fire. I'll be the one to pay for the funeral just to spit on both y'all caskets and I wish a motherfucka' would say something I paid for the shit." I understand she was hurt but that's beyond disturbing to hear. My heart begins racing as she continues to scream threats at me. I never thought someone who looked so appealing as her could be as raunchy as she's being. As soon as I said what's going on with him and the case she totally lost it. It's scares me to know if she was in front of me at the very moment I said that she would have killed me with her barehands.
       So I'm going off on this trick and she has the nerve to ask about Carter's case. At this point I lost it. I wanted to know where she was this needed to be handled right then and there. She was really trying me. I tried to calm down but I couldn't. My blood was racing so bad. I could swear to you my vision was going in and out. I began yelling and talking so fast I was starting to slur my words. All I kept thinking about is how much I wanted to kill this bitch. Only because I've been struggling with trying to get pregnant. I've had 2 miscarriages both of which Carter knows nothing about. As hard as I've been trying. His side bitch gets the baby. I'm just all at lost for words. How could this be. I'm so hurt, this totally drove me into depression more and instead of being sad, I'm angry. All my sadness is coming out as aggression. I can't believe all this is happening to me and I swear it only gets worse. "I'm not the only one." When I heard her say, I finally started crying. There was no way for her to tell because I was still talking angrily, but tears were pouring down my face. One supposedly baby mama I could've handled but two ? There's just no way. I just don't understand it. How did I let all this happen without me having even the slightest clue. The one thing we were missing "family". He was getting that from somewhere else. That's what hurt the very thing I couldn't give him another did. I keep thinking should I even be alive right now.
     I'm not the only one. There actually another girl named Asia. She's a ghetto chick and I think she's either seven months also or she further along then me. I found out about her when I was five months pregnant. She tried to fight me. She feels like she's entitled to Carter and everything he owns. Yes she knows about you too. She says she clearly doesn't give a damn and she'll kill you for less. Her pops just died so she's a woman in distress. I'm not trying to scare you but I'm just warning you. She really has it out for me. So she probably has it out for you. I can't explain her story so let me ring her.
  She going on and on about some chick I can care less about. I'm not worried about shawty and she definitely don't scare me. Whoever this Asia girl is she definitely got Zo shook. It's sorta funny to me. Who is this weak ass bitch he been sleeping with. I ain't ever really heard of her before so she must not be originally from here, but this Asia bitch she sound kind of familiar.
I'm sitting trying to get the nursery finished and here comes this bitch Zo calling. I answered, this bitch had the nerve to be calling on 3-way with Carter ex bitch or whatever the fuck she wants to be. Zo starts going on about how she told her what's going on between her and Carter and how she didn't want to speak on my story so she called me. I start laughing, first of all bitch don't call me like we all buddy buddy. Is that baby even his? Secondly don't call me with this irrelevant ass bitch on the phone. She's washed up anyways. Why she need to know my story? The bitch Kasidee starts yelling and shouting threats. This bitch real life crazy. I finally get to speak again. Listen her bitch. Y'all not together who are you anyways. One of his ducks. Bitch I'm the real deal. I'm having his first born. We're the real family. All you whores and your sob stories can chill. He's coming home and coming home to me. Why y'all so much want to be his main. Do y'all know who murder he's charged with and what's going on. I heard he killed Ofasion. Is it true ? Anyways don't matter stop sweating my man. I'm wifey.
First of all bitch. I'm his fiancé. The one and only soon to be, Mrs. Kasidee Katrina Jones, or did he fail to tell you that. Save the date, March 26th at 10:17a. Then I sent a picture of my engagement ring. Then Asia hung up. I told Zo I'll catch her on the flip side then hung up. I would've never thought I would have to deal with baby mama drama from my man, especially since he didn't have no kids when we got together. All this is too much too handle. I just stared busting out laughing. My man now has baby mama drama.

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