Chapter 7

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OMG. So i was looking at when I uploaded and stuff and I discovered I haven't uploaded in 5 DAYS. That's so freaky! D: So now i'm uploading XD maybe 2 times XD it would be amazing if people could help me with ideas and stuff too~ thx! :D


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Exasperated, Luke said, "It's your element. Control before we all get killed."

"But...but..." Kiara stuttered, "I didn't finish reading it..."

Luke and Ryan both glared at her. Suddenly, Ryan knelt down on the floor and started fake crying.

"We're all gonna die...stupid Kiara didn't read some stupid book and now we're all gonna stupidly die..."

By now, the water was up to their ankles, and ignoring him, Luke splashed over to Kiara's bedside table, quickly retrieving the book. Walking back, he slapped it into her hands.

"Read." he said simply.

She quickly flipped open the book to a random page and started reading.

Watching her face grow slowly confused, Luke snatched the book and flipped it to the beginning, the index.

"Find the page." he growled.

Looking at the page, she finally found the right words after two minutes: Calling off your power. By this time, the water was up to her knees and Ryan, who was still sitting on the floor, was practically immersed. Despite that, he still refused to get up, crying and going on about how they were all going to die.

"Page 251, page 251, page 251..." Kiara murmured to herself, finally finding the page.

On the page there was a single sentence.

Cleanse your mind and imagine the room as you wish (only applies to your element).

Cleanse her mind? Imagine the room as she wished? Kiara looked at Luke for an explanation.

He sighed. "Don't think about anything else except the room being dry. Mentally envision it."

Suddenly, Ryan reached out his hand and grabbed Kiara's leg.

Looking up pitifully, he said, "Help me up."

Only then did she notice that he was practically up to his neck.

Just when she was about to bend down and help him up, Luke reached over and pulled him up quickly, nearly making Ryan fall over again.

"Focus." Luke looked at her.

Ok...Kiara closed her eyes, trying to ignore Ryan's whispering, and imagined the room dry. It was getting hard for her to concentrate; the water now reached up to their torsos. She could feel an unknown pressure...

"AAAAHH!!!" Kiara suddenly screamed and dove onto Luke, trying to get out of the water. There were sharks in there! Sharks! Someone wanted to kill them!

Look closely at the water, Luke calmly said, "Those are hammerheads. As long as you stay calm and still, they won't hurt you." (I don't know if that's actually true...)

Trying to calm her nervous heart, Kiara imagined with all her heart that the water would disappear. Her grandfather had died from a sharkbite when she was young, she had been afraid of sharks ever since.

"Can you get off me now?" Luke grumbled. Holding up two people wasn't easy...

Kiara opened her eyes and jumped off.

Yay! The water was gone!

Suddenly, the room dove into darkness.

muahahaha :) i know, sorry, kinda short, but im so busy UGGH. Darn activities T_T bleh. OMG. Like...writers block! The dreaded legend has finally descended upon me! ARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! haha :) but um...i can't really picture out the scene in my head, which is really weird...i normally can, so I don't know how to start writing...i'll update this darn short chapter tomorrow...sorry...oh oh oh! And people, if you have any good ideas for how to continue, feel free to throw them at me :)

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