Chapter 5

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Chapter 5555555555555 XD haha :) I'm feeling so productive today :) Anyways, I just wanted to ask, do you want Kiara to end up with Ryan or Luke?


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"Wait..." Kiara suddenly stopped freaking out, "What are we going to do for blankets? And brushing our teeth? I'm not going to go to sleep like this. No way, uh uh, not happening." She shook her head furiously and said.

Ryan looked at her. "... What's wrong with going to sleep like this? We're clean! I mean look!" He sniffed his shirt, "It doesn't even smell!"

"..." Luke was speechless.

"Just how often do you take a bath? Like...NEVER?" Kiara stared at his shirt in disgust and jumped back away from him.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Well DUH I take a bath like every 4 days..."

"EEEEEWWW!" Kiara ran for the other side of the room, and even Luke glanced at him and took several steps back.

"Hehe." Kiara laughed, "Looks like you're destined to sleep alone tonight. Without your little cuddly wuddly bear that you always sleep with."

"THAT IS A LIE!" Ryan shrieked and launched himself at Kiara.

She laughed and ran around the room, trying to stay away from him.

Luke looked at them both, then sighed and sat down.

After 15 minutes or so, they got tired and bent over, sweat dripping down their backs.

"Time out." Kiara gasped, unable to catch her breath.

"No way, " Ryan stumbled toward her.

But before he could reach her, the floor suddenly dropped away just inches in front of his feet.

"Moooommmmmyyyyyy!" He jumped into Luke's arms, and Luke dropped him immediately, making him fall on his butt.

"Ooww...."he groaned, "What was that for?"

Ignoring him, Luke immediately walked toward the sink that appeared from the hole and washed his arms.

Kiara's eyes lit up. A sink! She look around the room eagerly to see holes appearing everywhere and beds, closets, tables appearing!

Suddenly, a wall appeared, surrounding them, and her eyes wide with shock, Kiara ran to the wall, pounding on it with her fists. They were trapped!

"The door's over here, smart one." Ryan smirked and opened the door.

"I knew that," Kiara huffed and nudged him and Luke out the door. She was definitely going to take a nice long bath before going to bed.

"Kiaaarrraaaaaaa" Ryan whined from outside, "You've been in there for 30 minutes! How much longer are you gonna take?"

"Maybe another 30 minutes!" Kiara yelled back. She was having way too much fun with the bubbles to get out any time soon.

"But I need to use the restroom!"

"Pee in your pants!"

"I don't need to pee!"

"Then what do you need the restroom for?"

"You know! The thing OTHER than peeing?"

" mean pooping?"


"You wanna come in to poop?"


"Wait another 30 minutes!"

"But I need to gooooooooo..."

"How can you have such a long conversation about peeing and pooping?" Luke interrupted, annoyed.

"Hehe. He said it too." Kiara and Ryan said at the same time.

"Jinx! Onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenyouowemeasoda!"


Kiara finally decided to take pity on Ryan, and changing into her clothes, opened the door. WHOOSH. A tornado swept her out of the restroom and locked the door behind her.

Well. That was fun, but it was going to be a long day tomorrow and she needed her rest.

Climbing into the bed in the middle, she jumped, testing its softness and smiled. Perfect.

Snuggling into the covers, she looked at Luke. Where did he get the book? Curious, she climbed off her bed and snatched the book from his hands, looking at it from every angle.

"Done looking at it, Inspector Kiara?" Luke said wryly.

She nodded and gave it back, going through the small table next to her bed. Opening and closing its many compartments, she found the exact same book and climbing back into bed, began to read.

As a water user, you will experience many...

Kiara yawned. Boorrriinnnggg. Running back over to Luke's bed, she stole his book again. His looked so much for interesting. She stuffed her book into his hands and ran back to her bed. Luke froze, then started reading the book she gave him.

As you use the darkness, you will find that your power will decrease as...

Bleh. It looked more interesting the first time around. She hopped over to Luke's bed again and was about to steal her book back when he suddenly pulled her towards him, flipping her underneath him.

"I didn't know we were so close." He whispered at her.

She gulped. "The books were boring?" She smiled nervously and tried pushing on him. He wouldn't budge.

"Are you going to steal my book again?"

She shook her head.

"Are you going to keep on running over here?"

She shook her head again.

"Are you going to go to sleep?"

She shook her head for the third time, then realizing what he said, starting nodding her head.

He stared at her, and she blushed. Then he kissed her forehead and said, "Good doggie." Rising onto one side and letting her out of his cage.

Still in shock from being kissed, Kiara stumbled back to bed.

5 minutes later...

Luke was sound asleep, but curiosity was keeping Kiara awake. She crept over to Ryan's table and stole his book. Kneeling down so Luke couldn't see, she read.

Fire can be very destructive when...

Darn. Just as boring. Putting his book back, she slowly laid on her bed, careful not to make any sounds when Luke said, "I heard you." and turned over, his back facing her.

The bathroom door suddenly opened and Ryan came out of the steam filled room, taking a deep breath and smiling.

He skipped over to his bed, and just as he was about to reach it, the lights went out.


"Ow..." he groaned, his leg throbbing where he had bumped it against the side of the bed.

Kiara giggled.

He glared at her in the darkness even though he knew she couldn't see and stumbled onto his bed, rubbing his leg.

YAAAYYY!! I wrote this in less than 30 minutes! I'm so proud of myself ^_^ haha :) actually it was pretty slow, but I haven't edited. I'll have to get to it later :)

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