Chapter 3

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WHOOT! CHAPTER 3! XDDDD But its not really an accomplishment XD I finished writing it a loonnnngggg time ago XD


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(If I get desperate I might have to pull the trick I've seen other people pulling. The I need blah votes and blah comments to continue XD


"Look who's here..." An amused voice intruded into her thoughts, "The porcupine queen."

She whirled around to face Ryan.

Despite having his arms and legs bound, he was reclining on a pile of...what was that stuff?!?

Interestingly enough, he was looking relaxed. Really relaxed.

In fact, you could go as far as to say that he seemed as if he could fall asleep right then and there.

"You look awfully relaxed for someone who's being kidnapped..." Kiara started slowly.

"Why wouldn't I be? This is just another adventure!" He stated in his devil-may-care way.

"Are you kidding me? Aren't you worried about what your parents will think?"

"They'll think I went on another one of my escapades."

"You do this kind of thing often?!? Are you nuts?!?"

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you very much. Unlike a certain someone I know..." he added with a lift of his eyebrows.

"I can't believe you. This is ridiculous! Why am I arguing with a Dodo?" Kiara muttered to herself.

"A Dodo?!? Look who's talking, porcupine!"

"Don't get your dander up, old grandpa. You don't want to add more wrinkles to that forehead of yours."

Ryan growled and lunged at Kiara. But because he was tightly bound, he miss-aimed and only manageed to get within two inches of her.

Seeing her chance, Kiara twisted the top half of her body and bit his arm.

He yelped and shook his arm up and down, trying to dislodge her, but she hung on with the determination of a pit bull.

Just as he was going to try another round of twisting and turning, another voice cut in.

"Would you two knock it off?"

At the unexpected voice, Kiara froze, and in that time, Ryan managed to wriggle his arm free.

Twisting his arm to get a good look at the damage, he gasped at the deep marks in his arm.

"Man, what are you, a shark?"

Kiara could only gape at the other guy sitting in the corner of the back of the sedan. Why was he here? And how did he guess that both of them would be kidnapped?

"Yo, mother cow. If your jaw dropped any further, it would crash into the center of the earth."

Kiara shot him a glance, but then returned her attention to Luke. The corners of his mouth twitched into a small smile at her bug-eyed expression, but he made no sound.

She continued to stare until Ryan came sliding into her, and she landed on her chin with Ryan on top of her.

"Oof. Get. Off. Me. You big badger."

She tried to roll onto her side, and succeeded in dumping Ryan on top of Luke.

This time it was Luke's turn to curse. Her eyes widened in surprise as he spouted off a stream of profanities.

"I swear. That fish expression of yours is getting kind of old. You've had that expression on three-fourths of the trip."

That reminded her.

She struck out her legs and kicked him in the shin.

"Ow. What was that for?"

"Seriously? You have to ask?"

He opened his mouth of answer, but just then, the car came to a jarring halt, and the engine turned off.

Silence filled the tiny space as they each tried to figure out what was going on. The car door slid open, and one of the men stuck his head in. He gave an evil grin, making the scar cutting across his left eye more pronounced.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to S.S., or as we like to call it, the Secret Society. Don't worry, we won't give you the real name."

He then proceeded to dump Kiara over his shoulder, and walked off. Her head bumping into his bony back the whole way, Kiara couldn't see very far off the ground. Craning her head, she could just make out five feet behind them.

After ten minutes of the dizziest moment in her life, Kiara was dumped unceremoniously onto the ground. The man then started untying her hands and wrists. Weren't they afraid she was going to escape? She rubbed her wrists where the rope had chafed against her skin.

Ryan and Luke were swiftly brought in the same way by the other men, and Kiara looked around the room.

The walls had been painted pure white, so bright it hurt her eyes to watch them. There was an elegant mahogany table in the front of the room, and a stylish chair to match, but besides that, there were no other furnishings in the room. The room couldn't be counted as big, but it wasn't small either.

As her eyes scoured the room, she noticed a nearly indiscernible crack in the wall behind the table. It ran straight up, then went horizontally, finally going down again...

It was a door. She took long strides toward the door. Reaching it, she felt along the door for something to open it with, but there was nothing.

That's weird, she thought. There wasn't a doorknob. By that time, Luke had joined her and he too was feeling along the wall. Only Ryan was standing there, looking nonchalant.

"You're never going to get out of here, you know. They aren't that dumb."

Frustrated with his comments, Kiara snapped,

"If you're just going to stand there, we're not going to get out of here anyway. You might as well make yourself useful."

He just shrugged and looked unconcerned.

After fifteen minutes of fruitless searching, they had still not found a breakthrough, and Ryan was standing there looking smug.

"Fine." Kiara glared at him. "You were right this time, but you won't be so lucky next time." She huffed and sat down on the floor, crossing her arms.

Five minutes later, the door slowly creaked open and five figures in black cloaks stepped inside. The door slowly shut behind them, as Kiara shot to her feet, and Ryan slowly stood away from the wall he was leaning against. Luke took a few steps back until he was even with Kiara and Ryan.

One of the cloaked figures stepped forward.

"Welcome." his voice boomed and echoes reverberated against the walls.

"I trust you have found your trip relaxing."

Relaxing my butt, Kiara thought. It was about as relaxing as climbing up a steep mountain trail.

"We have brought you here for a reason." he continued, "and I trust you will complete your missions once you find the right..." he paused, "...incentive" He grinned, showing sharp pointed teeth.

"And what is your 'oh-so-important' reason?" Ryan cut in, not at all deterred by his appearance.

"For now, that information is confidential. But when you begin your training, you will understand.

"The reason each of you has been brought here is because you possess a unique ability. "He paused again. "A special power, if you will.

"It is our job to unleash the power you have to its full potential, and to make you powerful.

"Your job, " he stopped and chuckled a low raspy chuckle," is to save the world."

Kidnapped?!? Noooooo... T_TWhere stories live. Discover now