A Change Of Heart

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Chapter 3

Riding along with John was different. I normally never had anyone on my horse and if there was, they would always be someone close to me like Thea or Lexa. Never in my life did I think I would be on the back of my horse with someone from Skaikru, especially someone like John. My arms were wrapped around him, due to my body being weakened. My legs could barely hold my weight and the rest of my body hurt. I wasn't in the position to take anyone on. I could try but I would probably die in battle, leaving Lexa without a sister. I couldn't do that to her. Not to Lexa.

We continued to ride along before I finally felt us stopping. I looked around and wondered why we were here before I spotted a river and instantly realized that he did this for me to get cleaned up. I slowly removed my arms from around his waist and got off the horse with John following my lead. He put my arm over his shoulder and began to walk me over to the river. Once we arrived, I immediately sat on a rock and watched as he tied my horse to a tree before joining me on the rock. I began to wash off any blood on my leg wounds before realizing it would be quicker just to get in. I then arose to my feet and began to remove my cloak before John noticed this and began to question what I was doing.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" John asked.

"Gonna get in. It will be easy for me to clean my wounds before I can wrap them up," I stated.

"Do you need help? I- I don't mean getting dressed or any- anything just- do you need help in the water?" John asked, stuttering as he did.

"I'll be okay," I said.

I then began to remove my weapons and my boots before I then began to remove my armour. However, as I did this, I noticed John was still watching.

"Do you mind?" I asked rhetorically, wondering why the hell he was still watching me.

"Oh right. Sorry," John said before turning away to not look at me.

I sighed at him before continuing to remove my armour. Once I was ready to get in the water, I only had little clothing on. I had a short sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts on. That was all I needed to wear under my armour, considering how thick it was. My hair was still braided, and I then entered the water.

Swimming along the river was fun. It was freeing to relax, which was something I had never done. I put my clan first no matter what. They were my people and I owed them that. I fought, healed and protected them. That was my job.

I continued to swim along for a while, making sure that my wounds were clean before realizing that I still had cuts on my face. I suddenly dove into the water, cleaning all blood off my face underwater before coming back up to the light. As I did this, I began to feel the light shine upon my face. It was incredible. The light was incredible. I continued to enjoy this moment before I spotted John swimming towards me.

"You joining me?" I questioned as John reached me.

"Thought you could use the company. Besides, its a nice day and I can't remember the last time I enjoyed myself," John said.

"You're right. It is a nice day," I stated as I looked up at the light.

"See that your war paint is coming off," John stated.

"Yeah, I guessed it would've," I said.

"It looks good to see the real you. You know, without any paint on," John said.

I then began to wash my paint off before turning back to John.

"Better?" I asked.

"Better," John agreed.

I smiled for a moment before continuing to enjoy the water.

"You don't do this a lot, do you?" John asked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Enjoy yourself," John answered.

"No, I don't. My position doesn't allow me to enjoy myself," I said.

"What exactly is your position?" John asked.

"I'm the Commander's younger sister. I am one of her strongest warriors. They call me 'Gona'. In Trigedasleng it translates to 'Warrior'. So in other words, no. I don't get to enjoy myself. I have way too much to deal with, like making sure my people are safe," I explained.

"Is all the responsibility on you?" John questioned.

"Not all of it, but my sister needs me so I do what I can," I explained.

"Must be a hard life," John assumed.

"Its a hard world," I said.

"Yeah it is," John agreed.

I smiled for a moment before heading out of the water with John following me out. Once I was out, I began to wrap up my wounds, making sure that I didn't get any infections. As I did this, John watched. He probably didn't know how to do any of this, which is why he didn't help.

"You're tattoos are cool," John said as I finished up with my wounds.

"Thank you. My one on my wrist means courage. I have two on my back for strength and bravery, and one on my chest for hope," I explained.

"Do all of your people have them?" John asked.

"Different ones but yeah, we all do," I answered.

"So, what's the plan? You still taking me to your people?" John asked, changing the subject completely.

"I'm supposed to. If I don't, Thea, Oriana or Ace might. They will at least say something about Zachary and the other traitors. They'll be looking for us," I said.

"But?" John questioned as he knew I was going to say that.

"But, you saved my life. You could have left me. You had my horse and no reason to come back... but you did. You came back for me," I explained.

"Kinda had to. You were right. I have nowhere to go," John said.

"At the moment, neither do I. I mean, I could go home but then what? You would be out here and my sister would know that. She would send me back out here just to find you. There would be no point, John. No point whatsoever," I explained.

"So, where do we go?" John asked.

"Lets just see where the path takes us," I answered.

John nodded before we got dressed and headed back to my horse, doing what I said we'd do; follow the path...

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