Training With Anna

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Chapter 9

The next day I was up and training with my second, Anna. I was still physically weakened by yesterday, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I had to keep my strength up. If not for me than for my second, Anna, who was thirteen years old. She wore her long brown hair braided, matching her hazel eyes. She was one of the bravest people I had ever met, reminding me of myself when I was her age. I had made her my second a few years back when I had a ceremony to find my second. I wasn't like the others and found mine straight away, I had to select a certain one that I thought would work well with me. Anna was the perfect one. I had selected her from twelve other kids, who all wanted to be my second, but Anna stood out. Once I made her my second, I began training her, making sure she was ready to fight with me, and in a few short months she was. She, like me, was amazing at fighting to start.

Fighting with Anna was a good distraction. It distracted me from Lexa sending several troops out to find John. It distracted me from Lexa asking me whether I knew where John was, and it distracted me from the pain of letting John go. I missed him, despite knowing him for such a small time, I really missed him. I mean, I was relieved he got out safely but, I wished I could've gone with him.

"Keep it up," I told Anna as we fought.

She was proving to be better than I thought, which is what I loved about her. Anna was always full of surprises.

We continued to fight some more, moving around the room a lot as we had to change directions. It kept this way for a long while before the fighting became too much and I felt the pain of my bruised ribs. I lowered my sword before placing my hand on my ribs in pain. Anna noticed this and backed off.

"We can stop if this is too much," Anna said.

"No, its fine. Keep going," I said before raising my sword again, getting back into fighting position again.

"You're not strong enough," Ace stated from the side.

He had been standing with Thea since we started fighting. They were watching to not only see how good Anna was, but to see how well I had recovered.

"I'm fine," I snapped before Anna and I continued to fight.

We kept this up for a while before Anna finally knocked me down on the ground.

"Look who's improved," I said before Anna offered me her hand and I slowly arose to my feet.

I heard applauding from Ace and Thea before they walked over towards us.

"Well done, Anna," Thea said.

"Pretty soon you'll be able to beat us all," Ace added.

"Thank you guys," Anna said.

"You did well, Anna. You really did. I'm proud," I said.

"Thank you, Freya," Anna said.

"Now, why don't you get yourself cleaned up while I talk with these lot," I said.

Anna nodded before I handed her the swords and she walked off, listening to what I said. Once she left, I finally turned back to the others.

"How's the ribs?" Thea asked.

"They're fine. I'm still not ready for battle but I'm doing fine," I answered.

"And how are you doing with the whole John thing?" Ace asked.

He and Thea knew about what Oriana did for me and were sworn to secrecy. They weren't going to say anything to Lexa. Nobody was.

"I'm okay. What I did for John was for the best. He'll be better off without me. Our people are toxic to others. The only ones safe are us. Our people," I explained.

"I'm sorry Freya. I know how much he meant to you," Thea said sympathetically.

"Its okay. I'll be okay. I just hope John's okay," I said.

"He will be. Oriana made sure of that," Ace said, reassuring me that he was going to be fine.

All of a sudden, I spotted Oriana rushing over to us. She was in a state of panic, which was extremely obvious. I began to wonder what she was so panicked about before she finally reached us and broke the news.

"Its Murphy. He's been captured and taken to our village. Probably gonna be tortured there. Freya, I'm so sorry," Oriana said in a panic.

My body finally took full control and I was off. Practically sprinting to go find Lexa in the throne room and find out exactly what was going on. I had the others racing after me but I didn't look back. I wasn't going to stop moving. This was way too important. I was so stupid that I had taken John from one painful torture to another, and I knew Anya was there, who wasn't exactly the kindest in punishments. She wasn't as bad as Lexa but she was still bad, causing me to worry about John even more.

After arriving, we all poured in the room and I spotted Lexa sitting on her throne. Indra was by her side and so were some other guards. I suddenly began walking towards her.

"Something the matter sister?" Lexa asked.

"What's this I hear about John Murphy being captured by our people and being held in our village?" I questioned.

Lexa arose from her chair suddenly.

"Clear out," Lexa ordered.

Everyone did as they were told, it was only Lexa and I left in the room.

"When did they find him?" I asked.

"Late last night. I'm guessing it was shortly after his escape, which you helped him do, correct?" Lexa questioned.

"I did what I had to," I stated.

"The last time you said that you were beaten by your own. Remember that, sister," Lexa said.

"Don't you remember what it was like to care for someone? Do you not remember that feeling?" I asked.

"Of course I do. I care about you, Freya, and I would do anything to protect you. Don't you see that?" Lexa questioned.

"I know you do Lexa. I love you, sister. But John is no threat. Please Lexa. Please let him go. I beg you," I pleaded.

"Its already done," Lexa said.

"Then you'll understand what I have to do," I said before beginning to walk out.

"Freya, where are you going?" Lexa asked as I walked towards the door.

"To do what you won't. I'm gonna save John," I said before walking out of the door.

As I left, I heard Lexa call after me several times. Both in English and Trigedasleng. Hearing her, I wanted to go back. Fought myself about it every single time but I realized I couldn't. I had to save John. That's all that mattered...

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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