John's Gone

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Chapter 8

Once we got upstairs, Lexa had two guards escort John and I to separate rooms. Our healer, Nyko, was a good friend of mine so I didn't mind letting him take a look at my wounds. But the whole time he was helping me, I couldn't help but think about John. I wanted to know he was okay. I wanted to know that his injuries weren't as bad as I thought they were. I wanted someone to reassure me these things but, nobody did. So I then waited until Nyko was gone before Lexa finally came in and sat by my side.

"Is he okay? Tell me John is okay," I said.

"He's fine. Nyko's taking a look at him now," Lexa stated.

I sighed with relief before laying my head back on the pillow, feeling with warmth of the material comfort my head.

"Why did you do it, sister? Why did you come in and save him? I sent them down for a reason. They were beating Murphy for a reason," Lexa stated.

"Why? John had been nothing but good. He had listened to everything he was told. He didn't make a seen when he was locked away. He did nothing to you," I said.

"Because he's the enemy. You needed to remember that," Lexa said.

"You hurt him because of me? Because I showed him kindness? Because I wanted to be more than a warrior?" I questioned.

"You are called Gona for a reason. Live up to your name," Lexa said before getting up and heading out, leaving me alone in my room to recover.

As she left, I looked around me and spotted a mirror before lifting it up to face me. I looked at the glass for a moment and saw my cuts and bruises on my face. They looked painful but I felt nothing. No pain. Not even a little. The only pain I felt was the pain I had caused John. I couldn't believe that I had caused him this pain. If I had only left him alone that day in the woods, I could have saved him from so much pain. I felt so responsible for his suffering. All I wanted to do was take his suffering away. Tears formed in my eyes as I continued to stare at my reflection before a flash of anger hit me and I smashed the mirror on the desk beside me with my bare hand. I crumbled the glass in my hand before bursting into tears.

I continued to cry for a while before I suddenly heard the door open. It was Oriana. Her face looked shocked to see what I had done before rushing to my side and beginning to take a look at my hand.

"Freya, what happened?" Oriana asked as she began to examine my hand.

Shards of glass was stuck in my hand but I didn't care. I felt nothing but emotional pain, not physical pain.

"I smashed the mirror with my hand," I said.

"I'll get Nyko," Oriana said before heading to the door.

"Wait. Oriana, please wait," I pleaded.

This stopped Oriana and caused her to turn.

"I need you to do something for me," I said as tears continued to fall down my cheeks.

Oriana then walked over and sat down beside me. She began to wipe my tears away with her hands before smiling, but still looking very concerned about me.

"What is it?" Oriana asked.

"I need you to help get John out of here. I know it will be hard but I figured a safe way in and out. I'll tell you which way to go, all you need to do is take a horse and ride him away from here," I explained.

"Freya I-" Oriana said before I cut her off.

"Please O. Please do this for me. I know its a risk, for you and me but please do this. Please. I would do it but I can't move. I can barely stand. We wouldn't get away on time," I explained with tears still falling down my cheeks.

"Of course I will. But are you sure this is what you want?" Oriana asked.

"Yes. This is the way it has to be. I did this to him, so I have to be the one to stop this. John has to leave with you... tonight," I explained, finally sounding strong.

Oriana nodded and smiled.

"I'll get him out of here. I promise you that. I just have one question for you," Oriana said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"What should I say to him?" Oriana asked.

"Tell him that I'm sorry. Tell him that it will be better this way. Help him realize this any way you can. Tell him to be safe, and someday... we'll meet again," I instructed.

Oriana nodded before she got up and headed to the door.

"I'll get Nyko for you," Oriana said before leaving the room.

Once she was gone, I began to cry. I kept on crying for a while. I hated myself for doing this but this was something that I had to do. I'd rather have John alive and away from me than him staying here as prisoner, being beaten anymore.

After some time had past, Nyko finally appeared and began to remove the glass before stitching my hand up. He didn't ask me about it the whole time. He just sat there and stitched before wrapping my hand up. Once my hand was wrapped, Nyko left, leaving me all alone in my room again. I began to stare off into space, only thinking off Oriana and John. Wondering how John was. Wondering whether John was going to forgive me. But that didn't matter. Nothing did. The only thing that was important was Oriana and John making it out okay. I continued to hope and pray the whole time, never falling asleep and never letting myself rest.

A couple of hours had past before the door finally opened and in walked Oriana. She had a face on, which concerned me a little before she finally sat down beside me.

"Its done," Oriana said.

I smiled and nodded before closing my eyes and turning my head to try and sleep with tears falling down my cheeks. I then felt her kiss my forehead before I eventually heard footsteps head for the door and finally the door closed behind her. I then felt my mind drift off as I finally let my body rest...

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