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A u s t i n 

Right after I finished soundcheck I went straight to my dressing room where Alex, Robert, Zach, Dave, and my mom were at. My mom engulfed me into a hug which I returned before gushing how proud she is of me which made me beam.

I pulled out the paper I brought with me as well as a gel pen before sitting down on the desk they provided for me at this venue. Robert frowned, "dude what are you doing?"

I shrugged, "writing a letter."

"I can see that, but for who?"

"..Reese," I whispered hoping he wouldn't hear me, but sadly he did.

Alex sighed, "dude why are you torturing yourself like this? Why after two years do you decide to do this?"

"It's July 23," I stated, "It would've been our four year friendiversery. I met her on this day four years ago."

Thank God Dave doesn't understand so he didn't intrude on this conversation, but he did, "who's Reese?"

Zach smiled sadly, "our old friend, more specifically; Austin's ex best friend. They stopped being friends two years ago, then her family moved out of San Antonio to somewhere in San Francisco because of her Dad's job transfer."

I blinked as hard as I can to get rid of the thought of her moving. She was my best friend, emphasis on the was, before everything went south.

I lifted my head up and began writing; ignoring the chatter in the background as they talked about the dark brunette, hazel eyed beauty I once knew so dearly. A girl I knew by the name of Reese Callisto Romero.


Dear Reese,

        Surprised right? I know what you're thinking, 'why are you trying now?' And to be honest, I don't know why either. I guess the urge was too strong for me to handle, I mean, after all, today is our friendiversery! Happy four years, Res :-)

        I miss you so much, Res, you don't even know! I guess you've heard the news of me being a musician right? Are you proud of me? I mean, I did it, I did what you believed I be great at, and sometimes I'd like to think and thank you because you were a part of this too. 

        How stupid of me, of course you know. Whenever I was around the Bay Area I'd always call your phone only to tell me for the hundredth time that you had changed your number. Though I always made my mom call your mom, since they had a freaky, weird, close friendship, to invite you. I'd even send tickets your way only to have you decline and have them sent back to me. And that was the first time I was at the Bay Area, I didn't do it ever again, though I wish I did to prove how persistent I am. And the fact that your mom tells my mom you love listening to the radio; like 99.7 or 94.9. It just so happened I was on both.

        Oh yeah, I'm boasting again, sorry. I miss you Res, a lot, I don't know how many times I've said that, but oh whelp. How 'bout you? How are you, Reese? Do you still take those guitar lessons in a class or something since I no longer can? Please tell me you do because you were always an excellent student, Reese. Or do you now take ukulele because you claim that you'd be better? How 'bout those gymnastic classes your mom would sign you up for? Oh how you loathe those lessons because you claim those leotards stopped your blood circulation. Quite frankly I think I'm happy if you'd stop wearing those; I hate how guys would look at you because you're my best friend and I'd be more than happy to have Dave deal with them for you.

        How stupid of me, you don't know Dave. Well, he's my best friend and bodyguard, he goes with me almost everywhere. You would love him, Res, he's just like you! Cuddly, gulliable, sweet, and clever. I'm guessing if the two of you met you'd both gang up on me, probably making my life a living hell. But despite that I'd love you both unconditionally.

        If you're wondering, yes, I'm still friends with Alex, Robert, and Zach. Yes, Tyler as well, but he can't really go on tour with us because of his mom :-( . Boo. If we were still friends would you go? I mean, I think your mom likes me. Who am I kidding, your mom thought of me as her third son, though I'm sure that wouldn't be too good 'cos after all you do have two older sisters and two older brothers already. Pretty sure she wouldn't want to deal with six children.

        I miss your mom, and not just the fact that she use to be my music teacher, but I love her like a second mom, ya know? But let's not forget your dad, who by the way was always a great cop. I love your parents Res, and your dad to me is like my dad because, well, you know. 

        Well, I have to go now, I have to get ready for my gig tonight. Wish me luck, Res!

        Love you forever and always.

                                                        Austin. x 

Awh, he is so cute :-(

Anyway the chapter is called un because it's number one in french and i wanna try something new. Obviously this is in Austin's Point Of View because it literally says Austin in bold at the beginning so that's to let you know on who's pov it is.

Much Love Guys.



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