vingt et un

190 9 4

A u s t i n 

The elevator ride didn't relax me one bit, not even a little. Sure I enjoy the snazzy elevator music but it didn't ease the awkwardness. There were me, my mom, Dave, Robert, Zach, Alex, another of my bodyguard, and three other people who were looking at us as if we're crazy. They probably don't know who I am so thank God for that or else things would be much more awkward.

When it reached Floor 34 we all got out and I thank God that the elevator trip. Then it hit me that I was a minute away from seeing Reese, the one girl who knows how to pack a punch and I'm not all too sure that she's happy to see me. The last time she pushed me out the way. You know she packs a punch? She freakin' punched me once in freshmen year for taking away her juice box. What kind of girl does that?

Res. My Res. Seriously no one is allowed to call her that but me.

I averted my eyes from the waiting room to try not to see if anyone's there. When we were outside of room 34B however, well, that's a different story. I felt my hands getting clammy as I raised them up to knock on the beige door. Zach however had a different idea.

He rolled his eyes at me before knocking the door and right after he did he just opened the door without waiting for a response from Res. "Your favorite person is right here Reesie—well this awkward."

When we slowly went into the room it was indeed awkward. Reese wasn't alone, but with two other girls. One had a curly bob going on with brown, doe shaped eyes that widened when they saw us. And the other had a somewhat frown settled on her face, but was covered with her blonde hair that framed her face. The two girls were sitting on chairs surrounding the hospital bed that Res was in. 

Res. That's when I took her in and how she looked. Her brown hair looked stringy and was tied in some sort of odd looking bun. Her face was natural, but I knew that in a few days it'd be covered in makeup since there were scratches and a few small bruises on her face that began to form. Those tiny fists of hers were wrapped in gauze as well as her shoulder that was revealed because the sleeve of her hospital gown was pulled up. Her right leg however was lifted up since it was in a large, and I mean large cast. Isn't she a figure skater? Wouldn't it be difficult for her?

"Well Reese you take care because I'm going with April to get some food," the blonde one muttered as she stood up with the other girl following. So the one with the bob is April? Oh. 

April smiled awkwardly at us and gave Reese a hug before leaving. On her way out she went to go say goodbye. "Bye Res!"

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me. Res? Seriously?

I could feel my anger pulsating through my veins, my nostrils flared as I clenched and unclenched my fists. No way in hell am I going to be replaced. 

Reese is like a little sister to me; my best friend. 

Sure Austin, keep telling yourself that.

Yes I updated idk why tho lol xD

On the side is our beautiful Res, like I want to be Res. Why can't I be Res?

Much Love Guys.



Everything I Didn't Say ➣ Austin Mahone[o.h.]Where stories live. Discover now