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A u s t i n 

Right after I thanked the audience I fled to my dressing room where I stripped down to my boxers before throwing on sweats and a tee. Mom said we were leaving in ten minutes and despite how hours ago she said we'd have to leave tomorrow I managed to get her to allow us to leave after the show. Since today is Monday our next show is on Wednesday, allowing us to spend tomorrow in San Francisco, but most likely I'd spend most of it next to Reese. We were going to drive to the airport where my private jet was.

I'm her best friend, I should've been there the moment her mom got the phone call from the hospital. The guilt in me is eating me alive, the pictures mom showed me can't be erased from my mind, no they were etched into them. This never happens, but for once I was nervous during a show and before. Reese clouded my thoughts ever since we reunited yesterday.

"We're going with you," Robert said out of the blue.

"Guys, it's fine, my Mom, Dave, and I will go," I told them.

Zach scoffed, "Austin, just because you were 'besties' with Reese doesn't mean she wasn't our friend. Look your mom told us what happened after we noticed how you look like you were going to give birth during soundcheck."

I huffed as I threw on my hoodie, "stop exaggerating, I did not. And you guys it'll be fine, I'll be back on Wednesday before the concert."

"Austin, we're going with you okay? We want to be there for little Filipino Kim Kardashian," Alex joked, "And you can't change our mind because our backpacks are already loaded on the van outside."

"Fine," I agreed, "Just remind me to get some presents for her before we go to the hospital, alright? I don't want to go empty handed, this is Res we're talking 'bout."

"Ah, right, your dear Res," Robert cooed before reaching over to pinch my cheek which resulted in me swatting his hand away.

I groaned, "Robert, stop it. Okay? I don't know why you're making a big deal out of this. We're just going to make sure Reese is okay. She's my best friend, I don't want her to suffer through this alone."

Zach shrugged, "it's just that-"

Before he could finish his sentence in came my opening acts, all giving me sympathetic smiles. Brad stepped forward and patted my shoulder, "we heard about what happened, Austin. We're sorry, but we hope things go well with her. And don't worry, we'll talk to the fans about what happened, well lie but still. Tell her we hope she gets better, from what your mum tells us she's a fighter mate."

I chuckled before squeezing his shoulder, "thank you Brad. I'll be sure to tell Res."

Camila then ran up to me and hugged me tightly, "tell her that she'll have to visit us on tour, okay Mahone? I want these Ausmila rumors to simmer down because Rustin in my opinion is cuter."

I pulled away confused before scratching the side of my head, "wait, Rustin? Hold up, Reese and I are not-"

And Dinah had cut me off by holding up a finger and ran off to the hallway before pushing a cart in. The cart held several bouquets of different varieties of flowers. From tulips, different colored roses, daffodils, lillies, sunflowers, and Res' favorite; daisies. "We want you to give these to her. Now, we know this may be difficult but just put the car in the back of the van and since it's your private jet you'll be fine."

"What? How?"

"Some are fans," Shawn explained, "But we decided Reese might enjoy them more. And during your soundcheck we had Michael buy some more. Alex told us daisies were her favorite because-"

"She said roses were too mainstream," I chuckled softly at the memory of my best friend rambling on and on about her want to be different. Though she was already set on that path with her love of books, coffee, Doc Martens over converse, bright colored lipstick, and floral clothing. "Thank you guys."

Lauren shrugged her shoulders before grinning, "knowing you we all figured that you'd panick on what to get her. Now, let us fabulous female run you some gift ideas; her favorite movies, shoes, gift cards to her favorite clothing store, food, some stuffed animals, and more food."

"Are you sure we aren't describing you girls?" I teased, but his mind only wander to everything that made Reese squeal with excitement.

After chatting with them a little longer I found myself in the van with my best friends, Dave, and my mom. Everyone was asleep, but I was on my phone trying to distract myself. All I managed to do was find old fetus pictures of me and Reese on her mom's Facebook.

aw, i think lol

but yas their shipname is #rustin ooh lala

much love guys.



Everything I Didn't Say ➣ Austin Mahone[o.h.]Where stories live. Discover now