Chapter 60

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Mal: Opens the door quiet* Okay Evie and Jay are not here    Walks in*
Carlos: Walks in*
Mal: Okay let's hurry to our room before they wake up
Carlos: Let's go!

In the Bathroom
Carlos: Stands behind Mal and massages her neck again*
Mal: That's nice!
Carlos: Hihi
Mal: Mmm...
Carlos: Stops and starts kissing Mals neck*
Mal: You forgot something!
Carlos: What?
Mal: Puts his arms around her waist* This
Carlos: Picks her up* Now let's go to bed
Mal: Opens her eyes* Sorry what did you say?

Carlos: Lays her on the bed*
Mal: Eyes are closing*
Carlos: Hey! Not without me!
Mal: Sorry I'm really tired! Locks herself in his arms*
Carlos: Night!
Mal: Night!
Carlos: Strokes her Cheek* (Like always)
Both fall asleep*

The next morning
Evie: Good morning!
Jay: Good morning! Kisses Evie*
Evie: Let's look if the "love birds" are already back!
Jay: Haha....let's go
Evie: Opens the door*
Jay: Sees Mal sleeping Carlos's arms* Aww how cute
Evie: Yeah let's go before we wake them
Jay: Closes the door*
Evie: We'll ask them what happend last night when they wake up
Jay: Let's look if there's something in here
Evie: Holds his hand and walks to the kitchen*
With Mal and Carlos
Mal: Wakes up*
Carlos: Wakes up*
Mal: Pretend like she's still sleeping*
Carlos: Whisper in Mals ear* I know you're awake
Mal: I'm not awake I'm still sleeping!
Carlos: Then you wouldn't mind if I do this? Kisses Mal*
Mal: Kisses back*
Carlos: Now you are awake!
Mal: Yes....And I didn't mind the way you did it....
Carlos: Then I have to keep that in mind! Puls Mal on his lap*
Mal: Evil morning!
Carlos: Evil morning!
Mal: Gives Carlos a kiss and plays with his hair*
Knock knock*
Jay: Are you awake already?!
Carlos: Why do you want to know?!
Mal: Whispers in Carlos's ear* Well I'm glad he knocked
Jay: Because we don't have any food left!
Carlos: To Mal* Hold on! Walks to the door and opens it* And I guess you want us to get it?
Jay: Nods* Looks at Mal*
Carlos: Walks outside and closes the door* Dude she's mine! Don't look at her like that!
Jay: Calm down! So are you 2 getting the food?
Carlos: Mal got food yesterday you 2 go!
Jay: Okay....we'll go! Leaves*
Carlos: Goes back into the room* Sorry Mal.... Mal?
Mal: Sneeks behind Carlos and jumps on his back*
Carlos: There you are!
Mal: Kisses Carlos's cheek* Why did you closed the door?
Carlos: Jay....he looked at you when you came out of bed
Mal: Always so protective! Gets of his back*
Carlos: It's just because I love you

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