Chapter 1 The Secret Dungeon of the Grim Witch

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On the land of Samdiperove there lies boundaries among powerful witches, beasts, mages, necromancers, wizards, cursed beings and mere mortals-the powerless beings. Incidentally, these beings were not immortal. There were also unidentified beings that lurk the land in disguise.

Witches and wizards were the ones in dominion, mages follow second. On the third row follows the beasts, the necromancers are on fourth, unidentified beings and the cursed ones were placed on the fifth and at the bottom and lowest part was the ordinary humans known as Mundane. The Mundane and beasts have the greatest in number, wizards, mages and witches were dense and lying next with the least in numbers were the cursed-unidentified beings and the necromancers.
Samdiperove was theorized to be divided into four regions. The north, which was ruled by an unidentified being, the west, which was under the reign of the black witch by the name Josephine, the east, which was under the rule of the Grim Witch, and the south, of which there stood the castle of Regality and there lived the evil white witch whom is the Queen of the land.

The search for the writer is no good. The witches traveled and almost covered the country of Samdiperove and still got nothing, not even a bit of single information about the writer, just a meet with scoundrels and hoodlums, and ending up killing them.

"I'm tired, Master. We'd slain more than thirty men already. Why can't we just stop and,"

"Are you complaining?" Colleen snapped her obvious whine of complaint. The witches are walking on a narrow alley, heading towards Hunchester. The hard bumpy ground made Ariadne walk uncomfortably, worse-she keeps on stumbling over the pile of mounds while Colleen on the other hand walks gracefully and not even stepping into a single one.

"No, but it seems like that! I'd rather sleep a thousand years like a cursed maiden on an eternal slumber...than venture a pointless journey." Ariadne admitted bitterly, her voice rose and fell.

"Pointless?! Or would you like to become one among those mongrels and hybrid cats we just killed." Colleen threatened while turning her back to glare at her. "And for your information, if ever you were to be put under a long sleep, you would never be awoken, why?" Her fierce piercing black eyes made Ariadne feel sad and even more uncomfortable.

"Because I'm a witch," a hint of sadness trailed off of her voice, "it would be better if I were not to wake up, I'd prefer to live that way." Pure sadness and a slight look of regret began creeping on her face. Colleen glared at her even more with eyes flaring in anger and a mix of annoyance.

"No one will come kissing you, fool!"

She doesn't understand why she needs to suffer that bad, is it because of the debt she owes to her witch, or was it because she had fallen in love with her that she is eager to be a slave who could be ordered anything? Freedom? Is she really free from the grasps of her witch?

The memory is still fresh. Young Ariadne hugged her knees while sobbing in the midst of the foggy forest. Her long auburn hair was tangled. She was all alone in the forest until luckily she was found by Colleen that time, whom she first thought was a good Samaritan but all of a sudden turned out to be an evil witch. She was still lucky for she wasn't made to become an ingredient for the "Beauty Potion," which restores her youth, nearly though, instead, she became the witch's eternal source of beauty. With her alongside Colleen, the witch would not grow old. Colleen discovered this when she was about to kill her making her a subject to the next potion she was about to make.

"A drop of blood is a beauty of eternal." Colleen often states whenever she's doing the ritual of beautification.

"I can't stand this anymore!" She cried in the depth of her thoughts, "I need to stop this craziness." The fuzziness of her thoughts shouted in agreement.

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