Chapter 12 No One Defies a Dark Wizard

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John Peter

John feels the heavyweight growing in his neck as the golden locket ticks and tacks. It shines every time it makes sounds. John feels the enigmatic stares of his twin brother gazing at him but he never showed any signs of hesitation; nevertheless, he grins again unwittingly after he had shot a blast of massive power into the bothersome fairy and a shadow mage who brought him here. He looks at the witches, at Colleen who looks mystified and at Ariadne who looks disoriented as he is. 

The hundreds of nattbakkas were slowly falling down from the sky as thousands are getting vaporized.

The crimson witch landed on the ground and looks at John's direction.

"The witches of the Forest Feesh," John sends out a look of hatred at them.

"Let's get the writer and the babe." Ariadne unpretentiously moves and walks in the pavement to the Dan's door. Colleen followed, taking a last glance of awry at John.

"Where's my sister?" John asks in a bold voice and looks at them with eyes full of hatred. Ariadne was about to open the door when she turned back and countered.

"To the lands of the dead." Her eyes were pure deadly as she smiles horrifyingly.

Anger boils into John's body and attacked, sending a blinding streak of purple lights to the witches. Colleen stands there frozen as a thick red bubble consumes them, protecting them from the beacon of purple light.

"You dispelled my spell?!" John was shocked.

"Even though you can dispel spells, attacks can be slackened," Ariadne stared into his eyes.

"I just suck it out, which makes my barrier stronger."

Ariadne opened the door and a huge greyhound jumped into her, knocking her on the ground.

"Stupid beast!" She shouted as red lights enter the holes of the hound's body, in its mouth, ears, nose and eyes and the hound popped, its body parts disintegrating in the process.
Sticky maroon goos covered Ariadne's gown and all over the house while Colleen was able to cover herself with a bubble shield before the hound disrupts.

"Rhea!" The blonde woman cried. Walter stands behind her back and Maricar who seemed unwitting stood behind Walter's back, she looks petrified.

Ariadne stands up and vaporized the goos in her body by wrapping herself with a spell. She walked inside, the whole house was in a mess. Colleen was still following, now more cautious behind her.

Ariadne walks near them.

"Get away from my son. Please don't. . ." The woman begged. Ariadne moves nearer. Now, she is inches away from them.

"Who are you?!" Walter moves in front of his mother, Maricar clung in his arms.

"The writer," Ariadne spoke grimly as she moves near him and knocking him with a spell.

The blonde woman tries to retaliate but she was knocked off afterwards. Maricar looks at her eyes pleadingly before she processed the thought of running away from the scene.

"The Babe." Maricar faltered as the spell hit her before she can even get to open the door to the next room.

"Mission complete." Ariadne enveloped the two inside the bubbles and they float in the air, like balloons filled with helium. She then sashayed outside.

"Give me back my sister!" John shouts and the golden locket in his neck ticks faster, louder.

Colleen looks back and saw the golden locket in his neck, her eyes widened as she realizes something.

"You opened the drawer of despair, freed the cursed shadow mage, and get the golden locket of Chronotaurus?!"

The ground quakes and John's body gets consumed by a vast amount of magical power. He's sucking mana.

"Knock it off already! You'll free him." Colleen stops.

She thinks. . . "No one says its name, no one thinks its name, no one dares to speak its name!" 

John trembles as golden lights cover his body as these lights start mixing with the violet lights that consume him. He moves his mouth and starts uttering, there is a voice that keeps whispering in his head, he feels weak as he moves his mouth to speak.

"Audumla, Audumla." The voice whispers.

"Au. . ."

"Knock it off!" Colleen shouts and sends bolts of prismatic rays towards him.

Ariadne walks out the door bringing the writer and the babe inside the bubbles. She looks ahead and saw the radiating powers that John's body emits.

She looks at the trembling John who is still fighting the urge of saying the word.

"No one defies a dark wizard, give me back my sister!" He shouted angrily as his body shots off purple beacons of light everywhere.

One hits Ariadne's chest directly to her heart.

She feels weaker, she feels drowsy, she looks into his eyes. There is hatred in there, love and determination. She is falling, falling into the abyss of time. She feels helpless as she gets devoured by time.

"Audumla," John has managed to utter before he falls down on the ground, all his energy is sucked out of him, the golden locket faltered and it overheated.

He is out of his consciousness and feels sleepy.


John opened his eyes and found himself in a different place. He was laid on a mattress full of leaves. He looks at his right side, there are beds arrayed like beds lay in a cabin. Laying on the next bed is a tall and lean boy about his age, next to the boy is a girl his age too. He rolled his eyes to his left side and saw the auburn-haired gal. She looked mature than the first time he saw her, he assumed she's about 17 years of age. He looks at the sleeping gal intently.

"She isn't that scary when she sleeps." He thinks.

Then he wonders for a second.
"Wait, why am I here? What is this place?"

Then he hears footsteps coming.

A man in his early twenties comes closer to his bed.

"You're awake." He was smiling. The zits on his face made him less friendlier in spite of the friendly voice he has.

"Welcome to Haven Cabin in Barnania, I'm Arthur at your service."

"Barnania?!" John asks shockingly.

"Barnania, the place of the happy homers, friendly witches, valiant wizards, tamed beasts and jolly beings." Arthur sounded enthusiastic.

"Have I heard it all wrong? Come again?"

"You are in Barnania, Bar-nan-ya, the place of the happy homers, friendly witches, valiant wizards, tamed beasts and jolly beings." Arthur sounded enthusiastic as what he sounds before.

"How do I get in here?"

John tries to think that all of these is just one of his dreary dreams.

"You and these people fell down from the sky."

John looks at him, astonished as he thinks deeply, letting out a deep sigh.

"I should better go back to sleep, this dream has to end." Then he closes his eyes.

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