memory eater

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Have any of you had a family member who suffered from a mental illness like Dementia or Alzheimer's? Or someone who just simply forgot about something and can't remember what it was

Well, what if I told you it wasn't due to a mental illness or lack of memory? What if I told you it was something not of this world, something more Sinister then that? People are losing their memories because of a creature called the memory eater.

The memory eater is a monster from Another Universe that feeds on the thoughts of innocent people sometimes killing them in the process. How do I know this you might ask? It's because I saw the damn thing!

It happened years ago when I was a younger man working in a nursing home. My job was to take care of dementia and Alzheimer's patients.

To me, it was a very simple job. All I had to do was make sure they were comfortable, make sure none of them wandered off from the home, and make sure nothing startled them.

So one night when it was my shift again, I was sitting there enjoying a warm cup of coffee, when I heard screams coming from one of our residence here.  It was Miss Gertrude!

I ran to her quarters to see what was the matter and when I got there she was laying unconscious on the floor. I went to help her  making sure she didn't hurt herself in some way. I got behind her to lift her up back on the bed and that's when I saw something. She had blood dripping from her head. At first I thought she had hit it on her nightstand, But on further examination I saw marks on her head.  It appeared to be bite marks of some kind. I thought this was strange soI tried asking her what had happened and she looked at me with a serious face and ask me who was I. I was shocked to hear this because I've been working here over 3 years and Gertrude has been has been like a grandmother to me.

I shrugged It Off and took it as some type of amnesia, until weeks even months, went by and she still didn't remember me.

Even her own children and grandchildren had become a faded memory.  You're probably thinking well amnesia and dementia hits a person all of a sudden which I would be inclined to agree with you but It didn't stop with Gertrude. It started to spread like a plague all over the nursing home.

Every last senior citizen begin to lose memories that they used to talk about like it was yesterday. Now they can't even remember what they had for breakfast. The staff and the doctors tried everything to find out what was going on, how could this be happening, but never came to a conclusion.

Normally everything was fine. I would sit there, taking sips of my coffee, and watching something on my iPhone. This particular night, however, something caught my eye. I only caught a glimpse of it at first so I got up to investigate. I went looking around each hallway trying to figure out what I saw and not chalk it up as a allusion. That's when I heard it!

A nasty slurping noise coming from one of our tenants quarters. So I Crypt in quietly trying not to surprise whatever the fuck it was. Right there on one of our seniors chest was a creature with glowing yellow gold eyes, greenish skin, and a large gaping mouth with a tongue hanging out. However this creatures tongue was anything but ordinary. It looked like an hose with teeth coming out of it. 

It started to feed off of the poor senior sucking on its brain like it was sucking out juice from a juice box.

When I got closer to the thing it saw me and  retracted its tongue back into its gaping void of a mouth.  It stared at me for what seemed like an eternity but was only a few moments.

Those were the longest minutes of my life having to stare at this thing hoping that it didn't lunge at me.

Instead it winked at me. I also swear this thing smiled at me. Then it ran off back into the darkness where it came from. After that I snapped back into reality and rush to the poor man's body trying to wake him up, but sadly I was too late. He had died due to this thing.

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