The Faceless loli 2

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I know sorry, it's been a while since I have written but I have been busy tracking that thing. The last thing that I had written, I told you about the creature known as the Faceless Loli. Well, I have been searching high and low trying to find her. But each time I come close to that little bitch, she seems to be one step ahead of me. She's definitely a smart creature after going so far to catch up on her whereabouts she disappears without a trace.

Weeks turned into months and months turned into years. I thought all hope was lost now that I had lost the only lead that I had. I thought I would never get the chance to put it to her once and for all and bring her to justice that is until. One Summer Night when I was at a bar having a few drinks alone an old friend from my past walked in. He sat down beside me and we caught up on old times how we had fun as children grow up and all that.

We were just shooting the shit until our conversation escalated to the Paranormal and Supernatural. That's when my friend Bill told me about the missing people. He thought it was all tied up to a government conspiracy, but I knew better I knew dark truth in my heart; the real reason why so many people were going missing and showing up dead. But I didn't mention her to him, because even though he was into the whole paranormal Supernatural thing… He probably wouldn't believe me if I told him anyway, besides I was pretty wasted that is until he brought it up. “Hey, have you heard the story is about a faceless little girl going around murdering people?” He said to me and I choked back my fear and told him. “Yes, yes I have.”

“It’s completely crazy right? Who even would have heard of a tiny, little girl going around kidnapping people and slaughtering them as well?” He shouted drunkly, but I pretended like he was crazy, just to try and quell my worst nightmares. Even though I knew it all too well it wasn't just a fantasy, after all I’d seen it firsthand.  He went on and continued rambling and talked about this town, how far from here that little girl was first spotted and always has been spotted. I thought I got my new lead, finally after so long the trail had become hot again. I quickly hugged my friend and ran out of the bar; I went home, packed my things, got into my car and drove straight to that town.

I drove what felt like miles, but I knew I was getting close. I had this uneasy feeling that I was stepping into the lion's den. And I was its meal but I kept my wits about me and kept driving until I reached the border of a small town called Wood’s Edge. As I proceeded into town I noticed it was a quaint little town was not much there. It almost seemed abandoned by first glance until you noticed the people moving around.

I parked my car and got out to walk around, that's when I got a bad gut feeling. Something just didn't feel right about this town. My feelings of dread just got worse and worse as I kept walking; the people just looked at me like I wasn't even human. I tried talking to a few people asking around about her, but I got negative results: some just ignored me others told me to leave them alone and go the fuck away. Even one old lady threatened to beat me with her cane if I didn't stop harassing her. Weird I thought to myself why are these people acting so strange?

I shrugged it off and got back into my car; I drove to the nearest hotel and book the room. I was going to have a good night in my room. As I got ready for bed I had that uneasy feeling again, this time much worse. It almost felt like someone took a sheet of ice and pressed it up against my back. So I watched some television to get that feeling off of my mind until I finally fell asleep. It only got worse; the terrible nightmare I had of her… of that faceless little monster standing on the edge of my bed, staring at me, Reaching for me, speaking in my head telling me that she's here and she won't go away and I wasn't going to stop her.

And that's when she got closer close enough to where a gaping hole would rip open where her mouth should be and pulled me in, the blood just spewing all over my face. I woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air; needless to say I didn't get back to sleep that night. So, I stayed up until morning and went back to investigate. As I was looking around, at first I thought my tracks have gone cold again. But little did I know they had gotten way warmer, burning hotter than I could ever imagine.

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