liquid nightmare

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My name is Jake, and I'm here to tell you a story that I have not told anyone about in years, at least until now. Since then, I have been a recovering alcoholic, which is relevant to the story. You see, when I was in my twenties, me and a buddy of mine were hardcore drinkers. we would go bar to bar to find drinks that gave us the ultimate buzz. But not anymore.

It was all because of that one night 15 years ago. I had turned 21 along with my best friend who shared the same birthday month as I did. Him and I couldn't wait to hit the bars and drink our asses off. Every once in awhile, we'd get lucky and pick up a few girls, have a couple of one night stands, some relationships lasting possibly a week to a month, but that's not relevant.

My friend, whose name doesn’t matter, and I were driving down a highway at midnight, hoping to score a good buzz. We came across this old brick building that seemed normal enough. It was connected to a hotel, which was way fancier. So we went inside. The place looked like the traditional bar; tables and chairs around, with some couches in between. We sat on the circular red seats by the main table and drank a shot or two to see if the place was any good. A few hours later, my buddy and I were drunk out of our minds but still able to pound a few more. I waved the bartender over and said;

“Hey, bartender!”

“Hey man, what can I get you?” he asked. I asked him to bring me the strongest alcohol he had and to not hold back. He told me that he'd see what he had in the back when he went back there. I started to look around on the shelves for whatever reason. Cobwebs spread out across the glass bottles, which sat above and around a window for bringing food. My friend started to get hungry and ordered garlic fries.

While looking to see what my next shot would be, something caught my eye. A little cubby. It was filled with dust and cobwebs and all that sat was a large glass bottle. I don't know what it was but it felt like that bottle was calling to me, yearning for my attention.

When the bartender got back, he apologized and explained that he didn't have anything stronger than what he had given us. That's when I pointed at the liquor cubby and ask them, man, what that one very tall drink was.

“You don't want that stuff sir, that's a very old bottle. There's no telling how strong that is or how old it is,” He said. Although he was trying to pass it off as it being old, I could tell that there was more. His face expressed concern.

Acting confident, I told him that I didn't care. I desired a shot of that alcohol, and I think that there was some anger dancing on my words. He looked at me. I look back at the bottle as he murmured something about a funeral before reaching through the cobwebs in the dust and pulling down his big bottle that was filled with this yellowish-green liquid.

He put a glass in front of me and started to pour it. The liquid filled the glass, looking the texture of syrup. He handed me the glass and I took one shot of the liquid’s content. It smells disgusting, but I was sure that it was strong and tasted better than it smells, so lifted the glass up to my lips and took and drink.

Everything seemed fine at first. I offered the glass to my buddy until I started to feel warm and a little light-headed. That's when I started to see things that you would not understand. If you are a drinker, you would know the side effects of alcohol. Whatever this mysterious drink was gave me side effects from what I just drank.

The room started to spin, and my pupils in my eyes started to dilate and that's when the illusions started to happen. Alert from the bartender his eyes started to pop out of his head and spiders started to crawl directly out of his sockets and when he opened his mouth. Snakes slithered their way out and onto the floor.

And then I looked at my friend, who was no better. His head started to split open like an egg and millions upon millions of cockroaches started to pour out, along with blood and brain matter along with them and his hands started to grow long, gated, and disproportionating to his body as they tried to reach out for me.

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