the red-eyed children

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Hello, everyone, whoever is reading this must know the stories of the black-eyed children and the white eyed children. What I'm about to reveal to you is far worse though. It is the red-eyed children. The reason why I say they're worse than the others is that I had experienced the horrible incident in person. I pray to God no one else will experience this. As I have something that you should know about these children. They're far more aggressive than the others.

They force themselves into your homes if you do not let them in. Before I get ahead of myself I will tell you my experience.

I was coming home one night from a friend's house and I just pulled into my driveway. As I got out of my car and walked to my door to unlock it. I Heard a voice unlike any other soft and sweet. As I turned around to look behind me, I saw two or maybe three children at least. They were dressed in modern-day clothing. But the difference with these children, they did not wear hoodies but they wore ball caps to cover up their face

As I went to spoke to them. One in a calm voice spoke to me. At least I thought it was him. As he spoke he asked me. "Excuse me, sir. May we come inside?" As he said in a prospective but forceful voice and I said "no it is late. I'm tired and your parents must be worried about your kids being out this late at night." The boy ignored my response and asked me again, but in a more hateful tone "may we please come inside sir?" I continued to say no to them and told them to go away but that's when the other one stepped up and spoke. It was a little girl this time but she sounded more devastating than the boy did

When she said, "if you don't let us in, bad things will happen to you." When I heard this I began to get angry and I said: "this is my house and I will not be threatened by little children." That's when they all looked at me, laughing at me like I was nothing to them. Then they continued over and over and over again "let us in your house. let us in your house." At this point, I began to get worried and fearful for my life, normally I would not hit a child but these children were serious. Frightening me and when I went to put one of them down, they tumbled to the ground and their head that fell off their head. That's when I saw their eyes, unlike any eyes I have ever seen in my entire life. They were glowing a bright red kind of like when you shine a light in a deer's eyes, they have that type of glow. But more menacing than that. It was almost like I was staring into demons eyes

For they even had a chance to get closer to me. I ran into my house and locked my door and shut off all my lights. I prayed that they would go away. But they just stood there for a very long time, chanting over again "let me in your house. Let me in your house." This is when I finally broke down and started to call the police and tell them there were strange children at my house that they would not go away and leave me alone. The dispatcher said, "there will be someone at my home immediately." They said to stay on the line with them until someone got there but before the police got there, the children were still there. Chanting the same thing over again. I'm not sure if the dispatcher heard what I did. But this did not matter after what I have seen next and I still heard the children, I looked out my window and to my horror. One of them was standing outside my window looking back at me with those horrible red eyes and I thought I was going to die right there and then. As quickly I opened them, I close the blinds and huddled in the fetal position, praying to God that I would not die tonight. That's when I finally heard the sirens of the police car in my yard and just like that, they were gone. Nowhere to be seen

As I give my statement to the police officers, they thought I was crazy. They said I was just seeing things, but I know what I saw that night and I am not crazy. Even though I was tired that night, I definitely was not seeing things. But since that night I come home early, before nightfall. I pray that I will never see the red-eyed children again.

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