the birth taker

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During my many years as a doctor, it would have been unheard of if I hadn't seen strange sights and events. Nothing quite compares to this particular story though. Something you may not even believe could be possible, heck I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
Let me just start from the beginning. Today was just like any other day. I was in my office until the time came that I got a few patients who were both around two months pregnant. It was the kind of usual scenario, they came into my office, concerned and fearful that there were complications and unusual issues with their pregnancies.

So I figured, just to be on the safe side that I would take a look and see what it was that had this particular mother-to-be in such a worry. I began setting up the machine to run an ultrasound on the woman and run several more tests to ease her mind. However, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on. There seemed to be no signs of distress and no indication of a miscarriage, but this wasn't the strange thing about the whole procedure. It gets weird here while running several tests, I discovered that the baby was gone. It had disappeared, without a trace, right from the mother's womb. I guess you are probably thinking that 'maybe the baby wasn't really there to begin with' but you would be wrong, I previously checked up on this particular patient of mine as late as yesterday and the baby was fine then. It was a healthy little fetus, but now it's gone. As though it never existed. I just can't figure it out.

But it doesn't end there. After her, there were more pregnant mothers coming in and complaining that their stomachs were hurting and they too, were just like the mothers before them and their babies were completely gone as well.
In all my years as an obstetrician, I have never seen anything like this. It had begun to turn into a pandemic and day after day, one by one, a woman came in to see me about her baby. Each time I would run the same tests, however, it was always the same outcome. The fetus had disappeared from the womb.

Not too long after that, those who lost their children kept on trying to have more children but they also lost them too, and soon after they began experiencing a deep depression, some even going as far as suicide.
It had gotten out of hand and I didn't know what else to do or say to these women that might help them. So that night I was at my office late, completing paperwork while also trying to figure out what the hell happened to these women's children

Until I got a call in from the hospital, a young lady went into labor and hearing this,  I grabbed my things and headed straight to the delivery ward. When I finally got there and made it into the delivery room to deliver this baby, and get the baby safely out of her vaginal area, I noticed almost immediately that the baby was in complete distress and I tried anything and everything to revive the poor thing. But with no prevail, the inevitable had its way.

People have no idea what it's like to be a doctor in this profession, especially when you have to tell the bad news to the parents of a newborn baby that has died. It's really heartbreaking, so that night, as the baby was taken to the morgue. I had gone down there to sign off on the autopsy and everything and as the baby laid there, lifeless and cold on the slab. While I signed the paperwork to give them permission to run the autopsy on the baby

That's when I heard a noise, a clattering metal, followed by a crunching and slurping of liquid. That's when I looked back into the room and right as I did, there on the slab eating the corpse of the dead child, was a creature, unlike anything I have ever seen before. It was faceless, it wore blue shoes and it had red bulging eyes and sharp fangs protruding from its mouth. Just sitting there, feeding on the corpse of that dead baby. I nearly couldn't believe what I was seeing. But then the realization suddenly hit me like a tonne of bricks, this must be the thing taking the unborn children and this could be the reason for all those unknown miscarriages and the disappearances of several unborn fetuses'.

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