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[This chapter is currently being rewritten]

Cheshire peered between two white fence posts, keeling on the ground in order to stay unseen. She watched through the slats and saw a pair of legs walk across the backyard Cheshire was looking at, causing her to duck down lower in response. She waited patiently for the backyard to become empty, then slowly stood. Cheshire put her hands into the wooden bar that connected each post and shoved herself up. She landed in the grass on the other side trying to make as little sound as possible, but still producing what small noise was expected.

   Cheshire dusted herself off then checked to ensure she was alone. Once that was done she slid over to a clothes line, flowing aimlessly in the breeze. Cheshire quietly reached for what she found necessary, a pair of jeans, which were ripped in the knees, and a button up flannel. Although she felt this way of dressing was odd, she had seen others dressed in similar fashion and figured it was her best shot at staying hidden.

   A loud and sudden noise from the house caught Cheshire's attention. She immediately flinched and disappeared like she had before.

Tall trees and the sounds of wildlife engulfed Cheshire's senses as the woods appeared around her. She look down as the clothing she had 'borrowed' and spread it out in her hands, both getting a look at it and trying to figure out exactly how to put it on. Cheshire looked around until she found a section that was mostly covered by the overgrowth and began her attempt to change.


   Henry trudged down the sidewalk with purpose in his stride. He had witnessed the stranger use magic back at Granny's and, despite not being able to find them in his story book, he was determined to know more. Henry stopped to both catch his breath, and to take the time to put his book back into his bag before he slung it around his arm and over his shoulder. He looked up and the clock tower rang. It was noon, on a Thursday, he began to walk a bit faster. 


Emma put on her red leather jacket as she walked out of Granny's, pulling her hair out from under it as she headed down the sidewalk. She had only the smallest suspicion as to who she was looking for, but with no other options she continued.  The streets were even quieter than normal as most people were either as work or school, only the odd car or two made much noise. It was a brisk and sunny fall like most others in Storybrooke, however Emma couldn't help but feel a knot in her stomach. Perhaps it was only instinct, or her being slightly paranoid, but it was there nonetheless.

Slowly as she walked on the buildings faded away and the pavement underfoot turned to grass as only the road continued next to her. Finally the house Emma was looking for came into view and she picked up the pace. She let out a disgruntled sigh as she walked up the front steps and onto the porch. Emma stood directly in front of the large door, doing nothing at first. She then blinked slowly and knocked. No answer. Emma knocked once more.

"Hello, is anybody home?" She asked, putting her arm down and stepping back.
"Yes, who is it?" A voice from inside eventually answered back. Emma closed her eyes and took in a breath.

"Jefferson. It's Emma Swan. I need to ask you about something." Once more there was only silence. A noticeable amount of time passed before the sound of the door unlocking was finally made. The door cracked open first than a majority of the way, yet still keeping most of the inside hidden.

"Emma," Jefferson greeted with a tone that attempted to be gracious but still came off as mostly confused and concerned. "It's been awhile. How can I help you?"

"I was hoping you could answer a few questions," Emma stated. She found his tone a bit jeering but it was understandable.

"Alright I guess," He responded, then stepped fully out of the doorway and closed the door behind. "Go ahead."

"Where you at Granny's a little while ago?" Emma asked, she stepped back to allow more room once the door was closed.

Jefferson furrowed his brow and look her up and down. "Yes, why?" He asked back.

"I'm trying to find someone, and I think they know you." She responded.

"That isn't impossible to imagine, I know a lot of people." Jefferson said, folding his arms.

"It was a girl, maybe teenage years with brown hair. Do you know anyone like that?" She questioned.

Jefferson's arms dropped to his sides and his eyes widened slightly upon hearing what she said. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes of course why?" Emma looked at him, both a bit concerned at his seriousness and gladdened by the fact that the stranger might be identified.

Jefferson quickly opened the door fully and stepped inside, then motioned for Emma to join him.

"Tell me everything."


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