~Important Anouncement~

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Hi everyone! I know it's been a LONG time since I've updated this story, and I do plan to, but I have something I want to say. I started this story forever ago and the way I write has changed a lot (hopefully for the better). I thought I could just update some of the oldest ones and be done with it, but that's just not realistic.

I want to revamp the entire fanfic, tell a more cohesive story, and flesh out the characters in the way I always wanted to, but never could. So here's the plan I'm going to finish the last few chapters of this story (eventually), and then I'll start outlining the new story. Same characters but a different story. I'm not sure how different, but different.

This will take a long time (that should be obvious, given the fact that it's taken me years to get even this far). In all honesty this story was just a way to get out the creativity and ideas I had for a character, and people just kinda liked it along the way. I'm applying for college soon, so I'll be busy for a while. Hopefully I can do everything I want... Eventually.

Thanks for reading through this train wreck of an update. I'm glad there are people at least somewhat interested in what I have to say. If you have any thoughts or suggestions for the future of this story please let me know, bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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