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Cheshire stared at Henry in utter confusion, not really sure how to react.
   "Hello," She said finally, looking to her side for a moment then back at the boy in front of her.
   "I saw you at Granny's," Henry responded with a clarification that didn't clarify much.
   "I know," Cheshire added bluntly. "Do you want something?"
"No I-" Henry stopped for a moment, thinking out what he wanted to say. "People don't usually show up in this town. I just feel like somethings going on." Cheshire furrowed her brow as she listened to him in slight confusion until she snapped herself out of it.
"Well then, promise I won't be much trouble," Cheshire started to lift her hand so that she could teleport off, giving Henry a slight smirk.
   "Wait!" Henry put his hands out hoping for that to somehow get her to stop. Cheshire halted mid wave and raised her eyebrows.
   "Yeah?" She lowered her hand and looked at him with slight nonchalance.
"Can I at least know your name?" Cheshire sighed at his request but gave in nonetheless.
"They call me Cheshire."
"You're kidding?" The words fell from Henry without warning and Cheshire couldn't hide her surprise from his question. "Sorry. It's just...nothing," He raised his hand out in front of him. "It's nice to meet you."
   Emma leaned against her car, waiting not so patiently for Regina to meet her as they had planed. She fully believed she could find Henry on her own, but Regina insisted on coming and that was an argument Emma didn't feel like having. The chatter of Granny's patrons carried across the road. Emma had heard someone saw Henry there, and figured it was the best place to start looking for him. Her head perked up as Regina's car pulled up nearby. Emma pushed off of her Bug's yellow door and walked over to Regina, who was just getting out of her car.
"Thank you for finally showing up," Emma remarked, having been waiting for some time. Regina made no comment, only glancing at Emma with an irritated yet understanding glare.
"Do you know how long he's been gone?" Emma asked, trying to shift to a more serious tone.
"It can't have been that long. I texted you right after Snow called saying he wasn't in school," Regina answered.
   "Alright then, the guy I talked to said he saw Henry going one way that leads to the woods, so that's our best bet," Emma began to make her way towards the forest, looking  back a moment later to confirm Regina was following. She was, and the two continued on in silence.
Cheshire looked at his hand, an uncomfortably familiar feeling surged in her stomach, but she pushed it down. She reached out and held Henry's hand, giving a strong, solid shake before putting it back down.
"I'm sorry. But can I ask you some questions?"
"Why?" Cheshire was as confused as she was interested in the strange boy before her.
"It's kinda what my family does," he explained, giving a smile, although it was a slightly nervous one.
"Fine," Cheshire crossed her arms. "Ask away."
"How did you get here?"
"Haven't the faintest idea. Just woke up around here," she motioned her hand to her surroundings.
"Well what's the last thing you remember from- wherever you were?" Henry asked, pretending like he didn't know exactly where she was from by her name alone.
"Um," Cheshire thought about for the first time since she got to Storybrooke. "It was night and I was just going to sleep."
"Where were you before you came here?" He asked purely to get that information in the open.
"Wonderland, if you've heard of it."
"I...might have." Henry was about to say something else when they were both caught off guard.
"Henry!" A voice called nearby.
"Whose that?" Cheshire straightened up, looking into the distance.
"My mom," Henry explained with a sigh. "Well, hey. Maybe she can help you figure out how you got here."
"No!" Cheshire snapped at him. "You can't tell her, or anyone for that matter."
"Please just... Don't," Henry looked Cheshire. There was obvious concern in her expression.
"Okay," He agreed, an understanding tone in his voice. Henry quickly looked behind him as leaves rustled and both Emma and Regina came into view.
"Oh my God, Henry what are you doing?" Emma scolded him but was clearly worried as she walked over. Henry made a quick glance behind him and only saw remnants of magic fly off in the wind.
"I'm really sorry mom," Henry looked at Emma then his eyes shifted to Regina. "And mom. I just got too... Curious about something." He explained, dancing around the truth in Emma's presence. Emma sighed and looked at Regina, who almost appeared dumbfounded.
"C'mon kid, let's go home." Henry nodded and let the two women go in front of him. He looked back, then up and saw Cheshire eyeing them all from a tree. She smiled slightly then winked at him, and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

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