Chapter 6

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Aira and I were headed to the cafeteria when Dave was walking alone in the corner

“Dave?” stopping him as he looked at me “You don’t look so good”

“Every lunch I don’t look so good I can’t enter the cafeteria that jerk won’t just let me in”

“We’ll come with us and I’ll make sure you can get in with us” I looked at Aira who gave a nod

“Really? – Cause I’m really starving” he said as we headed on our way

“Whoah! That freak cannot get inside” the human from the last time said

“Who said he can’t get in?” I asked him

“I do” he answered proudly

“Why not just move your ass off and let us pass” Aira helping me

“And whose gonna make me?”

“I will” Dether backing us up with his deadly look and made the human backed away

“Thank You” I winked Dether and went inside to meet with Macie and Tara

“So Aira where can Matt be?” asking her

“You tell me”

“He dropped me here and then he disappeared he didn’t even go to class this morning”

“What? What is on him?” Aira asking me as I shrug

“So Dave how is Dether?” I asked him

“He’s cool and he’s sending me to my grave” he answered as he ate

“So you guys have something to do this weekend?” Macie asked as we all looked at each other

“I’ll just go running” I answered as I thought of speaking to Fallis

“How about we go to Janice’s house party?” Tara recommending

“Who’s Janice?” I asked them

“She’s one of us but she goes to different school and were all friends with her” Aira speaking

“I don’t know I better ask Matt first besides I’m working on something”

“Don’t be such a kill joy and come with us and Dave I’m inviting you”

“I’ll try” finishing my meal

After school I didn’t saw Matt so I rode with Aira

“Seriously you better check on Matt before anything goes off”

“It’s okay besides I’m going back to the forest when we get home”

“Be truthful to me are you seeing someone?”


“That’s why I’m asking because I don’t wanna judge”

“I discovered big about myself and I just want you to trust me on this”

As soon as we got home I changed my dress to pants and wore on my rubber shoe I tried to move fast not wanting Matt come home while I’m still here

“I’m going out” I told Judy as I walked past the kitchen and then ran as fast as I could to the forest

“Fallis?” I called him as I opened the book and letters familiar to me came up

“The---book--- reveals----only----to the-----eye----bearer” reading it slowly as Fallis came up in front of me

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