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Jack stared at his mirror, his recently sunken eyes were no long sunken. He had recently moved into the apartment next to Mark. Mark made him feel... good. He sighed, he had finally been invited to PAX East, but so had Wade. Jack knew Wade had a crush on Mark, JACK'S boyfriend. 


Wade squealed as he got his invitation to PAX East. Mark was going to be there! He could finally tell Mark how he felt! He felt a bit of guilt wash over him for a while, because he had a boyfriend, Bob.


Bob smiled as he held his ticket to PAX East. His boyfriend, Wade, had been invited too. He went to his recording room to tell his followers.


"Buh Bye!" Mark ended his video telling his followers he was going to PAX. He took out his phone and smiled. Jack, Wade, and Bob were all FINALLY going. He chuckled a little when he realized he blushed when he got Jack's text, but he felt guilt wash over him when he realized he blushed when he got BOB'S text.

(Just an intro to the characters, and I know its bad, it'll get better. Promise)

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