Chapter 5

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Jack waved goodbye to Lizzie. She had worried about him a lot recently because he had stopped going out and she noticed that, in his videos, he was wearing his red, or his blue, sweatshirt and sunglasses. He was finally able to convince her he's fine. After he was sure she was in her house, because they live next to each other, he turned and went into his bathroom. He took out the blades he had been using recently, yet he didn't have the heart to use them that day. He had to admit, Lizzie helped him over his depression. Jack felt his strength return for a heartbeat, he put all of his blades and razors into the toilet and flushed them. He went online and ordered some razors that cannot be broken apart.

POV Change, Lizzie's for the first time

Lizzie happily hummed as she started to build her new house on FunCraft after a creeper exploded it. She checked the players online, only her and Joel.

<LDShadowLady> Hey, Joel

<SmallishBeans> Hey Lizzie

<LDShadowLady> How is PAX?

<SmallishBeans> Good, YouTube decided to not send Mark and Wade. Jack too I guess

<LDShadowLady> Yeah, I just checked on him. He's not doing so good.

<SmallishBeans> Listen... I gotta talk to you, go to Spawn

<LDShadowLady>Okay, one sec, I got to go to the bathroom real quick

Lizzie got up and walked to the bathroom, when she was done, she walked back. She quickly ran back to the computer and ran to the Spawn

OrionSound has joined

<LDShadowLady> Joel, I want to tell you something, once everyone is online


BBPaws has joined

GamerBurry has joined

MArielitai has joined

Seepeekay has joined

ShubbleYT has joined

Smajoir1995 has joined

koil1990 has joined

stacysays has joined

yammy_xox has joined

<LDShadowLady> So what do you want, Joel?

<SmallishBeans> This is awkward... I-I want to divorce with you.

Lizzie felt tears well up in her eyes. She had to be sure

<LDShadowLady> Really?

<SmallishBeans> Yes

Lizzie burst into tears.

<stacysays> wow

<yammy_xox> omg

<JOEYGRACEFFA> this is like, so mean, Joel

<BBPaws> I am considering no longer allowing you on this server because of this

LDShadowLady has left

Lizzie took out her phone and blocked Joel, then texted Jack.

Lizzie: Hey Jack

Jackie: Yeah, Liz?

Lizzie: Joel divorced me

Jackie: No!

Lizzie: Yes

Jackie: I'm so sorry =( Come over, I'll help you like you helped me

Lizzie: Alright, i'm coming right over

Lizzie then unblocked Joel real quick, and she changed Joel's name from Huney Bunches to Heart Killer

Lizzie: FYI, I am expecting you baby, Joel

Heart Killer: You are?

Lizzie: Yeah, you jerk

Lizzie the re-blocked Joel, then slowly walked over to Jack's house.

"Hey, Jack." Lizzie greeted. "Hey, Liz, come on in." Jack allowed his friend in. "I-I want to tell you something." Lizzie stuttered. "What is it? Don't tell me Joel wants you back right after he crushed your heart." Jack growled. "No, I'm expecting his child." Lizzie murmured. Jack just stared at her in shock.

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