Chapter 6

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The road was practically empty, excluding any cars which passed by: there weren't many anyways. I had a feeling in my stomach: I didn't know what it was, I knew it was making me nervous.

"Are you alright?" Brad asked me, out of genuine concern. He was such a cute and caring 'lad'? Is thay how they say it?

"Yeah. It's all good," I breathed out and gave myself sometime to relax, "I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's up?" Brad asked, his voice like melodic music to my ears.

"I talked to my brother about Varsity," I began to say. I saw him nod from the corner of my eye so I decided I'd carry on, "You get to try out this week."

He didn't say anything straight away; he moved his hand closer to mine, making jolts of electricity pass through me. Soon enough are fingers stuck together like glue; he joined our hands, intertwining our fingers.

"Thank you so much Carter," Brad smiled as he took our joined hands up, leaving a kiss on the back of my hand. Hell, he was attractive.

I smiled at him, I couldn't bring myself to say words. In just a moment we'd arrived to Maura's Arcade: every child's dream.

"Let's kick some ass," I chuckled as we walk up the short staircase into the entrance.

Once we got inside; it was like a wave of excitement came over me. The atmosphere of joy, laughter and music consumed us. "Care to try your luck in Skee Ball?" I smirked at Brad.

"Try me," Be perked his eyebrow at me. I gestured my head for him to follow me: making our way to the red Skee Ball machines.

We both input a dollar, and waited for the machine to start up. "You're going down Simpson!" I teased, obviously in a joking manner.

"As long as it's you I'm losing to, I couldn't care less," He replied. I could never really one up this boy for his flirtatious comments or sassy snapbacks.

I shook my head and threw the first ball down the aisle, letting it hit the 'One Hundred' mark. Bradley did the same thing, but his ball collapsed into the 'Fifty' mark.

The game kept on going on, points alternating between me and Brad: a few comments here and there and laughter all around. Ultimately, I won - with a proud smirk plastered onto my face.

"I swear I played better back home," Bradley shook his head, chuckling. I performed a really quirky happy dance: making brad laugh.

"I swear I dance better than that," I giggled, feeling slightly embarassed, "Not sorry you lost though!"

"As long as you're happy, I'm okay with it," Brad sent me a childish wink. Suddenly his expression faded, making me wonder, "What's up?"

"Those guys back there, they keep staring at you. Do you know them?" Brad asked furrowing his eyebrows, almost in a protective manner.

I turned around and spotted some Seniors: Dylan's old best friends. Usually I'd be afraid, but tonight was different. I turned back to Brad, "Just some douchey seniors."

"As long as you're alright," Brad smiled at me, rubbing my arm lightly. Brad was not like any other guy, and hell - I was grateful for that.

I smiled and quickly noticed the most adorable teddy bear, he was rather large and looked fluffier than anything I'd ever seen. "Oh my God! That's so cute!" I squealed.

Brad looked around to see what I was talking about, "What? The teddy bear?" I nodded, not even bothering to speak. "Then I'll win it for you."

My heart fluttered at the rather movie like gesture, smiling to myself. "Thanks Brad," I said moving behind him.

He began to play the game, earning points as he went along. I stood there watching him; he was so beautiful.

His jaw line was angled symetrically. His eyes were the most beautiful colour of brown. He had to small dimples, his right one a lot more defined. Every single feature about him was just perfect.

Suddenly, a ringing bell pulled me out of my daze. "Our champion for tonight! What can I get you?" The man behind the counter asked Brad.

"One teddy bear please," Brad smiled with his teeth; his British accent rather powerful.

The man kindly handed Brad the bear, it being larger than I thought; but it looked even cuter up close. God, I was such a child.

"The most adorable bear I've ever seen for the cutest girl I've ever met," Brad flirted, making my cheeks become a light blush pink colour.

"Brad," I smiled, "You got me the bear." As he handed me the bear, a thought crossed my mind. "That sounds cute. Brad.. bear? Bradley Bear! That's it, you're my new Bradley Bear."

"You're so cheesy," Brad stuck his tongue out at me jokingly. He intertwined our fingers. "Why don't we get you home?"

I nodded and we both walked out of the arcade and made our way to the car. We giggled a lot, thinking about the night itself, and jamming to Shawn Mendes in the car.

Once we arrived by my house, I got out of the car as did Brad: I assumed to walk me to my door.

"I'm really glad I saved your ass yesterday," Brad chuckled, referring to when he caught me in Pizza Hut.

"Tonight was amazing, Bradley Bear," I smiled at him, winking at him the moment I mentioned his nickname.

"I hope we can do this again sometime," Brad smiled, almost asking me. I couldn't help but fidget with the bear in my hand, "I'd love that."

In that silence, I couldn't help but feel him lean in. I couldn't stop myself from doing the same, but I couldn't bring myself to kiss him, "I'm sorry."

"What's up? You don't want to kiss me?" Brad said, his smile disappearing. I felt a pain in my stomach, I hate Dylan.

"I do. I swear to God I do. It's just-," I took a breath. "The last relationship I was in, didn't end well. I'm ready to move on, I swear I am but, maybe I'm afraid."

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I felt Brad's warm hand reach my cheek, his thumb catching any tears which managed to fall.

"It's alright. It doesn't matter if I kiss you today, or in a year Carter. I like you, I really do. Pain takes time to go away, it'll be okay," Brad said. It was almost like he knew each perfect word to say.

He engulfed me into the hug, a feeling of affection coming over me. "Thank you," My voice muffled into his sweatshirt as his head rested in the crook of my neck.

After unleashing the hug, it was time for me to go inside. I smiled at Brad genuinely. He looked up at me, his eyes full of hope, "I'll look for you in the halls."

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