Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

(Derek’s POV)

            I came home after practice with my new partner Amber Riley, and saw that Alex wasn’t up. I know that it was late getting home, (we try to dance all day with breaks for lunch, dinner, and rests because Amber has knee problems), but normally she does wait with dinner. I went to go get my dinner and didn’t see it in the fridge, or oven, or microwave.

            That was odd. Normally she has it ready for me.

            I went around the apartment to find her, and saw her sleeping in her clothes on top of the bed. Normally she would be in bed under the covers. I turned the bedroom light on, went over and started to panic as I reached her.

            “Alex?” I asked touching her and shaking her. “Alex, wake up.”

            “Hmm,” she sighed and yawned waking up slowly and stretched seeing me. “Hey baby. You’re home early.”

            “Alex, it’s 11 at night,” I said looking at the window.

            “What?” she asked and looked out and her eyes widen. “OMG, I slept that late? I never do.”

            “Alex, you need to rest for the baby; it’s okay,” I tried to calm her down.

            “No, Derek, it’s not,” she said and sighs sitting up and headed to the bathroom. “I laid down at 4. I was going to take a two hour nap, and make dinner.”

            “You slept seven hours?” I asked surprised. “I think we need to go to the ER to make sure you’re okay baby. I don’t want issues for you or for our baby.”

            She finished in the bathroom and came out in her pjs. “It’s okay. I hadn’t slept well the past few days. I’ll go make dinner for us, and then we’ll go to bed.”

            “Don’t spend too much time on dinner,” I told her as I got cleaned up and ready for bed too. “I ate dinner with Amber.”

            “So TV dinners?” she asked.

            “Sounds good,” I called out.

            As I was done, I went back to our kitchen and she was standing there making dinner in the microwave as she was getting some water too.

            “Alex, is everything okay?” I asked.

            She looked at me, “No,” she looks at the ground.

            “Just, this isn’t normal of you…”

A New Star is Born~ Part 5 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now