Chapter 18

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AN: SSSSSOOOOOOO SSSSSOOOOORRRRRRRYYYY for not updating this... I just wanted to get far ahead of this, plus with my school back in action and I have papers and tests and problems to solve... I had to pause it for a while... but here is the next one... and it's going to get dark at the end of it.....


Chapter 18

(Alex’s POV)

            Well, we didn’t find an apartment, but decided as a family that we’d just find a home in New Jersey as we planned. We talked to Derek’s family, and we agreed that we’ll go ahead and fly over early for Christmas in New Jersey, at Kevin and Dani’s home, but as a surprise. And stay there while we get Rosie transferred over to a NJ school; and find a 6 month apartment while looking for a home there.

            Derek and I got the plane tickets for our family, packed up our bags, and headed out two weeks later for NJ.

            We made sure that Elsa was comfortable as we could while she was flying for the first time, and she even got her first wings, which it was really cute bundled up in a blanket sleeping away as Derek held her in his arms with the pin on the blanket. It was so cute we had to post it on Instagram once we landed in NJ.

            As we got there, it was late, and we were tired and knew we had to drive to NJ, so we decided to just check out a hotel room for us, and then we got dinner and went to bed.


(Derek’s POV)

            The next morning, we slept in, and I let Ali take care of the girls getting ready and I went to go get a rental car for us to take to Kevin and Dani’s house.

            As I got the car, I drove back to the hotel with breakfast for my girls… I love the sound of that… I went inside to see Ali just feeding Elsa in a chair by the window and Rosie was playing on one of the two beds with her stuffed animals.

            “Daddy!” Rosie said excited. “Mommy, dad brought us food.”

            “Yep,” I said as I took the bags it to the table beside Ali. “You’re favorites of course,” I smiled.

            “Good, I’m starving,” Ali said as Eli was done and she started to burp her. “Someone just couldn’t wait.”

            “Hey, she’s got to eat right?” I asked chuckling as Rosie was back at the table sitting down after she washed her hands.

            “Yep, she’s always hungry,” Rosie smiled.

            We laugh softly as I got the table setup for us to sit down and eat together.

A New Star is Born~ Part 5 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now