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"I do," Upon saying those words, a cheer erupted from the crowd. Grace was smiling, looking at her now-husband in front of her, who was dressed in a black suit. Grace herself was wearing a long, white dress, with a white flower crown in her hair. She had a red ribbon that was tied around her waist, and Logan was matching with a tie of the same color. She looked down at her parents, who smiled warmly back at her.
"You may kiss the bride," The priest said. Logan was quick to follow his words, and leaned in for a kiss. He then proceeded by lifting her up, one hand under her knees and one behind her back, and lifted her down the isle between the cheering crowd.

The wedding ceremony had started off earlier on horseback, which Grace had insisted on. It was to be held on Grace's farm, since there was more space, and they had put up chairs and a red carpet the day before. The days leading up to the wedding had been busy, and rides had been cancelled two days before, and the day after for tidying up. As many people that had been willing to, had travelled all the way from Logan's smaller town to come to the wedding. Most had arrived the night before and were staying for a few days. They stayed in the cabins that Alyssa's parents owned, so they were fully busy with their guests. The isle was large, so they could ride down the middle, and there were red flowers on each side to match in color. It was midday when they started. The weather forecast had threatened with rain, but they were lucky to have a clear blue sky above them, with a warm sun lighting up the place, and no darker grey clouds in sight. Grace on her beloved Sandy with a bouquet of red flowers in one hand, her father, who had given her away, was riding Midnight. He was wearing a black suit, yet with a red tie to match the theme. Logan had ridden in before her on his gelding, Titus. Arriving at the front, Grace jumped off, and her father led the horses away, tying them to the nearby fence before going back to the ceremony. Then the ceremony had proceeded, and ended with Logan lifting his new wife down the isle. 

After the ceremony, the priest was the first to leave. The guests were invited to stay for the party after, and they did. There was a large tent set up in case of bad weather, but it didn't seem like that would be the case. Grace threw her bouquet up in the air behind her, leaving the bridesmaids fighting over it as she walked forward so not to get caught in it. She looked over and saw Alyssa not joining in in the crowd. Noticing the young man beside him, she smiled. Alyssa and Craig had got married almost two months before. Since then, Alyssa had been to California to stay with him where he was originally from. Grace had even been there once, for the wedding. And it had been an amazing place. They'd stayed for a few days. Amanda, Grace's mother, had a friend in town who saw to the horses. The horses thoroughly enjoyed their mini-holiday. Alyssa had shown Grace around, and she'd even been to the beach.

In the meantime, Logan had stayed for a while with Grace, before he had to go home. He had left Titus in trust of Grace, who had ridden him every day when he wasn't there. Titus was a nice ride, and she could take him on the hacks where they didn't quite have enough schooled horses. Some hacks overlapped, and some were more booked than others. Logan had been away for a few weeks and Grace missed him, but when he finally came back and surprised her, she was glad. She felt her heart warm up and had embraced him.

When the skinny stallion came home, Grace fell in love with him instantly. He was shy at first, therefore earning the name Shadow, as he would shy away from almost everything. He was a dark grey. Not very old, but seemed to have been broken in before. Grace, however, took it upon herself to train him as if he had never been ridden, and slowly started him back up. At the point of the wedding, Grace had found out he was actually well trained under the saddle, and she'd even used him as a lead horse on a few 1-hour trails, which he seemed to love. It would, however, be a while before she'd start letting others ride him.

Grace and Logan, being the newly weds, were the first ones to dance on the dance floor. They danced to a slow song at first, Logan's arm around Grace's waist, the other hand in hers as her other arm was around his waist too, like their bodies were intwined. 'Maybe I did get something out of Jacob's dance,' she thought to herself, remembering back to the time when her cousin, Jacob, had danced with her at her birthday party, before he had been taken away by his protective wife. Now that she was dancing with her husband, it felt even better. Logan felt confident and knew what he was doing. He had had lessons behind Grace's back, not wanting to tell her he couldn't dance. Even though he messed up a little, it went a lot better than he had dared to hope for. Afterwards, they sat down to enjoy a meal, which the two mothers had planned out.

Grace and Logan were to leave for their honeymoon a few days later. Where they were going Grace didn't know, as Logan had planned it out in secret. All she knew was they were going away, and Grace was excited to find out what to happen in the future. They had talked about moving together somewhere, but where they didn't know yet, but they did know that they wanted a farm to themselves, and they wanted to continue riding and owning horses. Since it had gone so well with Shadow, Grace thought about making a business where she would train and sell horses. Logan, who was a right handyman, wanted to become a carpenter, but would still help around at the barn with loose fences and whatnot that needed to be done. The future ahead was looking bright, and there were many things they could both look forward to.

Author's Note:

I can't believe that I'm here, two months later, with a finished story! I've made many prompts for an idea along the lines of this, but I never expected it to turn out the way it did. For now I'll not be continuing the story, as I have a few other projects that I'm work on, and that I've already started! I want to say thank you to everyone who's followed this story all the way to the end, and thank you to the people on discord, who have helped me overcome times when I've been stuck or when I've needed a proofreader. This story is just a draft, and I'm not sure I'll edit it though, but it is what it is.

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