Chapter 11

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Kathy had seen Grace arriving through the window in the kitchen, and stood up from her place on the chair to go meet the young woman. However, she stopped in her tracks when she noticed the young woman's confused expression. She thought it would probably best not to bother her, unless she came to talk first. Sitting back down in her chair, she took a sip of her coffee as she listened to the uninteresting news in the radio, that didn't have anything to do with their town or area.

Grace took the tack with her and walked through the semi-long grass up towards the house. It was only a couple of meters away. Balancing the saddle on one arm, she opened the door with her now free hand, and let herself into the house.
"Hello," Grace called, shutting the door behind her. 
Kathy replied with the same word from the kitchen. Grace left her tack and went inside, sitting down at the table across from her.
"You look upset," Kathy said gently.
"I'm just confused," Grace confessed, "I went for a trail ride with Logan and it was really fun. When we were almost back we could hear the sound of a car. His expression changed and he completely pushed me away, telling me to ride over her and visit you."
"Well, I appreciate the visit," Kathy smiled a little, "But I think there's something he's not telling you. Now I've known him for a long time, but he wouldn't push you away for no reason. Give him some time. Perhaps you should exercise that black mare of yours, she's been running back and forth calling while you were away."
"I'm probably overthinking it," Grace sighed, "I'll take Midnight for a wonder up the road."
"Have fun!" The older woman smiled, watching as her guest left her alone once again.

Grace grabbed the bridle, not bothering to bring the saddle, and went outside. Jumping over the gate effortlessly, she walked up to the black mare, who seemed to be happy now she was reunited with her companion. Grace put the bridle on and led her away. Sandy most likely wouldn't mind, she was used to being alone once in a while. The young woman used a large stone nearby as a block to help her get on. She swung her leg over the mare's back, almost instantly regretting that she was too lazy to put the saddle on, for she knew the jeans she was wearing would be full of black hair after.

She took Midnight for a wonder down the road. She didn't go very far, just down the road and out the town, but turned back before it disappeared out of site. Grace could see a group of the smaller children playing and laughing in a garden. She smiled slightly to herself. It was a lot more child-friendly than her own village was, where most were teenagers if not adults. Grace felt a pang of homesickness, remembering that she'd have to call home later.

A black car came racing out of the drive to Logan's farm. It skidded in the turn, before speeding towards Grace, showing no signs of slowing down or moving aside for the horse and rider. Midnight jumped to the side just in time, Grace just managing to stay on as she grabbed the mane. The mare was spooked, but she didn't run. It was almost like a shock, it happened so quickly she couldn't comprehend it. Grace patted the mare soothingly.
"Good girl," she mumbled, glad that Midnight hadn't taken off or she'd probably have ended up on the ground. She nudged the mare's sides to walk back. Her headache, although small, was still there and threatening to grow. 

A couple of minutes later of walking down the street, she was back at Kathy's. People hadn't looked at her particularly much. Some had given her a quick smile as she passed, but she deemed it was probably normal here to ride. She jumped off Midnight's back, brushing off all the black hairs that had ended up on her jeans as per expected. She let the mare loose and walked out to the street when she heard her name getting called. Looking up, she noticed Amy running over.
"Hey, will you help me practise the barrels with Chester?" She asked Grace, slightly out of breath from running.
"Sure," Grace shrugged. She didn't have anything else to do anyway. 

Chester was already tied up behind Amy's house. They had a sand arena, and Amy told her that everyone from the town was allowed to borrow it when needed. Amy flung her saddle on and put the bridle on Chester's face, before leading him over to the mounting block that stood by the arena. Inside the arena, the barrels were already set up. There were jump stands and poles in the far corners, as well as standing poles for pole bending. 'They have a bit of everything,' Grace thought to herself.

Amy started off riding a bit around the arena to warm up. Her and Chester were a great match. She was a fairly good rider and she sat calmly on the gelding's back, who listened to her every cue. It was a pleasurable sight. After a while of going through the different gates, Amy slowed Chester to a walk and went over to Grace, who was standing in the middle.
"Can you time me?" She handed Grace a stopwatch.
Grace nodded, "Of course!"

Grace stood next to the gate as Amy rode out. As Chester ran past, Grace started the time-taking. She watched as they ran the barrels fast and precisely, come close but without knocking the barrels down. Amy urged him on through the home stretch, and Grace stopped the time as they passed. She looked down at the stopwatch.
"17.98 seconds," Grace told the rider.
"Not bad," Amy said breathlessly, giving her horse a pat, "Can we go again?"
"Sure, whenever you're ready."

They continued to race around the barrels a few more times, until both horse and rider were too tired to continue. They'd managed to cut almost 2 seconds off their first run, but the last run had been slower due to the lack of energy they had left.
"Do you want to cool him down?" Amy asked.
Grace's eyes widened, "Can I?"
Amy replied with a nod, jumping off.
Grace put her foot in the stirrup and sat herself up in the unfamiliar saddle. She barely touched his sides before he started moving. He was a sensitive horse, she'd have to be careful not to give him too strong cues. His pace was unfamiliar too, but Grace quickly found herself comfortable as they walked around in the arena.

Once Chester's breathing slowed, Grace halted the chestnut gelding by the gate and swung her leg over the back of the saddle, landing in the sand of the arena.
"Thanks for letting me ride him," Grace said, handing Amy the reins. "Do you think I can come here with Sandy tomorrow and jump a couple of jumps?"
"Sure! Just come over when you're ready," Amy replied. Grace stayed with her while she untacked Chester and put him back out in the paddock he shared with a few other horses, before she headed back to Kathy's.

Kathy was kind to invite Grace to join her for dinner, and after eating the meal, she borrowed Kathy's phone. She decided to call home to tell her parents about her trip so far. She didn't want them to worry. The number she ended up typing in was her mother's. The phone rang, and after a while, Grace heard her mother's voice in the other end of the phone.
"Hello, Amanda of White Oak Ranch speaking, how may I help you?"
"Mom, it's me," Grace replied.
"Grace! How are you, honey? Your father told me what happened," Her mother said through the phone.
"I'm great, mom, actually," Grace paused for a second, "I've found my soulmate."
"That's great! Congrats, Sweetie!" Her mother replied.
"Is that Grace?" She heard her father in the background.
"Yes, she's found her soulmate," Her mother spoke away from the phone, her voice seeming quieter.
"Let me speak to him!" Grace laughed at her dad's yell in the back.
"He's not here at the moment," Grace said. "But I'll call you later once I'm with him."
"You do that, honey. Is he nice? What's his name?"
"He is," Grace admitted, pushing the day's event to the back of her mind, "And his name is Logan."

She said goodbye to her parents after having a quick update on how things were at the ranch. They were managing, but it was difficult without her. She sighed, feeling a pang of homesickness. She gave Kathy back her phone, deciding to have an early night and go to bed.

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