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lunch was truly a hot mess.
"alright you guys, how are we going to get mike and will together?" lucas inquired as the two others huddled in front of him.
"well, how about we all run off? say we're sick or something?" dustin suggested.
mad max waved her hands in the air in utter disapproval. "no, no, no, guys! do you realize we have a girl on our hands that is a possible love interest for mike?"
"yes, eleven! we have to get rid of eleven. that's where i come in. if i hang out more with eleven, i can sit with her alone. mike wouldn't mind because he hates the shit outta me. now you and dustin are gonna have to pretend to be sick or something. or...," max grinned evilly, "you two could, y'know, pretend to...be together."
"EW MAX!" dustin screeched, loud enough to gain attention from a crap ton of students.
"MAX! you're—i—I'm your boyfriend!" lucas scolded with hot cheeks.
"i know lukey, i'm kidding," she giggled, kissing lucas on the cheek, "but seriously, we need to split up. if we do, we have a greater chance of mike not finding us. got it?"
"yep." said the duo.
"alright, let's split, i'm going to find eleven."
"hey, eleven!" max grinned giddily, looking at her. eleven's dark eyes sparkled in curiosity; she stared intently at the redhead.
"h-hi." the girl with the blonde wig nervously replied, still not certain about trusting her.max must've sensed it, for she replied, "don't worry el, you can trust me. i just wanna get to know you more," she softly held eleven by the hand, pulling her to an empty, isolated table at the back of the cafeteria, "sit here, el, you'll be fine." she asked her questions like "what's your favorite color," and "why is your hair buzzed off?" and max was very interested in the conversation. however, her eyes were focused on mike and will, who seemed to be having an amazing time on their own.
mike went to sit at the usual table, but shockingly, lucas and dustin and el and max were not there. will was sitting there by himself. he couldn't help but blush at how adorable and confused he looked— adorably confused, rather. will's large, brown eyes went wide, pupils dilated, as he bit down on his lower lip; left hand twirling his thick chestnut hair. his cheeks glowed slightest shade of peach.mike was smitten. so goddamn smitten over someone he just met.
mike was not one to believe in love at first sight, but he just couldn't help falling in love with the boy.
he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the familiar voice of will byers. "oh, uh—hey will how's it going?"
will giggled cutely, "you uh, zoned out again."
goddammit, mike hold yourself together. you just met him! on top of that you don't know if you're gay or not! mike thought. "oh, um, i'm sorry about that, sorry." the freckled boy faked a smile, sitting next to the boy he loved.
will bit his lip again. he felt he needed to tell mike something, but he didn't know what. bored of the awkward silence, he decided to start a conversation.
"so mike, do you like anyone?" will blurted out. not a good conversation starter, dammit. he thought.
the question took mike by surprise as his face heated up immediately. fuck! whatdoisay, whatdoisay?!
"i—uh, um well yes i...do."
will's heart fluttered, he wondered if it could possibly be him! "who, then!?" he impatiently tapped his foot and smiled sweetly.
"ummmm," fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.
"I LIKE ELEVEN!" shit. everyone stared at him, including max, and eleven, who sat at the back of the lunch room. the blonde wigged girl stood up, and max looked horrified. lucas and dustin peeked up from under a table where they hid, hearts dropping.