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mike woke up that morning, pondering about will. he couldn't seem to get the small, strange boy off of his mind, although he was supposed to be worrying about eleven. he wondered what will was doing right about now. he wondered if will forgot about yesterday.
"I'm coming!"
he rolled his eyes in annoyance and got dressed and brushed his teeth, doing everything his mother told him to do, then he rushed down the stairs and munched on his eggos, not even sitting at the table.
"mike slow the fuck down, jesus."
"nancy! language!" mrs. wheeler scolded.
"ugh, sorry," she replied, "it's not my fault that my brother's a gross prick."
"fuck you, nancy, oh wait, that's jonathan's job." mike snickered under his breath.
"mike what the fuck?!" she hissed, at the same time she was laughing and blushing, for some reason.
"sorry mom!" nancy yelled, rushing outside to see jonathan's car.
mike snuck an eggo in his pocket for eleven, and waved his parents goodbye, slyly creeping to the basement where eleven was.
"hey...eleven, you awake?" he whisper-yelled.
"hi eleven, i got you some breakfast," he said weakly, handing her the stale waffle. the girl took it from him hesitantly, and began to eat it.
"well, i've gotta get to school, wanna come with?"
"yeah, school. it's a place where you can learn and meet friends, and stuff, i guess."
"okay," eleven nodded, "i w-wanna...come with...you."
"sweet!" mike exclaimed, "oh, eleven, wear this." he handed her a light blonde wig, that was meant to cover up her buzzcut. eleven clasped it hesitantly, running her fingers through the flaxen locks. "i don't understand." she blandly stated. "you just, well, put it on your head. like this." mike took the wig from eleven's fragile hands, and placed the wig delicately on her head. suddenly, eleven's face morphed into the beauteous one of will's. mike stared into those gigantic brown eyes, feeling nothing but happiness and pure bliss. he carefully smoothed down the strands of hair, and smiled. "see?"
eleven brightly beamed at him, blushing wildly. "yes." she responded. mike soon found himself caressing the face and hair of eleven, instead of will. he sadly sighed at that; taking her hand and leading her up the stairs to his bike. then, she wrapped her frail arms around his torso and he pedaled on to school.
"hey mi—what the fuck?! why did you bring the freak show to school?!" lucas exclaimed as he stood between max and dustin.
mike helped eleven off of the bicycle and smiled at his friends.
"i, uh, i'm... class starts in five minutes...come on, you guys." dustin said, skeptically. they all followed him, including eleven.
dustin wasn't fond of the way that mike was treating eleven, like she was the only girl in the world, the only thing he ever loved. but she wasn't. she isn't.
"alright class! looks like we've got another new student today!" mr. clarke smiled gently, looking at eleven who sat between mike and max. she was confused, and afraid, but mike assured her that everything was going to be alright.
"what's your name kid—"
before he could complete his question that was directed toward eleven, the door creaked open slowly, as a small boy walked in. "hey, mr. clarke," said he, batting his eyelashes absentmindedly, "'m sorry 'm l-late, my mom had to drive m-me to school because my brother was busy. 'm sorry about that."
"oh my god guys," max whispered to dustin and lucas, "is that mike's boyfriend?"
"MAX SHUT UP!" they both yelled.
she might've said that part a bit too loud, because mike glared at her...rather intimidatingly.
"it's okay, will," mr. clarke chuckled, "you can take the seat next to wheeler."
no no no no no no no, thought mike, oh shit he's coming, he's sitting down, he looks nervous, shitshitshitshitshit what do i say? what's he gonna say? should i—
"hey m-mike, i'm so sorry i couldn't come to your house yesterday, my mom wouldn't let me come, i d-didn't m-m-mean to l-let you d-down." stated the soft, sorry boy.
"don't be sorry will," mike said nervously as his cheeks flushed from embarrassment and anxiety, "it wasn't your fault. hey, why don't you sit with us today, and you can be a part of the party!"
will's eyes lit up in enthusiasm. "th-that would be nice, wheeler."
"oh, byers, i forgot to ask... would you like to be my friend?"
he didn't even have to think up a response. "of course, wheeler."
and for mike, that was the greatest feeling in the world.