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dustin looked up to see mike and will walking toward him, smiling at the byers boy, yet glaring at wheeler. he couldn't help but wonder if will liked him.
"hey will, hey wheeler."
"dustin, i just wanted to say that i-i'm really sorry... about everything," mike said, genuinely walking toward dustin, holding his arms out as if to embrace him. the wheeler boy really wanted his friend back. all of the drama tore the dynamic duo apart. dustin looked over at will, skeptically, who gave him a reassuring wink. and so, dustin smiled, hugging his best friend, mike.
"no, i'm sorry, i started the fight," replied the curly-haired brunette into the raven's shoulder.
the small brunette boy smiled from afar. he was happy to see that all that bullshit was resolved, finally.
"i-i was gonna walk will home," said dustin, "it's on the way to my place, so that's why."
"oh, y-yeah, will was telling me that," mike replied, awkardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
will blushed and blinked his eyes, walking the short distance to mike wheeler, and held him in his frail arms as if for the last time. "see you tomorrow, wheeler."
"thank you- i mean—fuck- yeah see you t-tomorrow," mike stuttered out, cherry red cheeks upon his warm face. will giggled and walked with dustin.
mike stood hopelessly, remembering the feeling of will's little arms around him, until finally turning to walk home in the opposite direction. he remembered there was eleven to deal with.
dustin and will trotted slowly to the houses; the rain had died down a bit. will's hair was still soaked, but a few stray strands began to dry and curl at the ends.
"you okay now, will?" dustin asked, concerned.
"yeah, i'm great," came the soft reply, "are you?"
the curly-haired boy smiled. "yeah. yeah, i'm great, too."
will simpered, eyes crinkling. but his smile faded shortly. he remembered wondering if dustin liked him. was it true? could it be true? he didn't want it to be true; he couldn't help but like mike. he felt a connection to him that couldn't be explained. but all he wanted from dustin was his friendship, that confidentiality that link he had with no one else— maybe, will and dustin were platonic soulmates.
when they finally reached will's house, he felt it was time to ask.
"well, here's the spot will," dustin said, "i hope we can all be good now."
"hey dustin," will replied, holding his shoulder, "i would like nothing more."
dustin took his free hand and patted will's, that rested softly on his shoulder.
will's heart dropped, as he mustered up the courage to speak. "hey— um, mike said you liked me... is that true?"
"oh, come on mike," dustin began under his breath. his cheeks were flushed as he blew air from his mouth, then sighed.
"will, honestly, i'm not sure, i— i mean you're cute and adorable and i wanna pinch your cheeks and protect you from the horrors of the world," he stopped to catch his breath, "but i'm not sure if that's in a romantic or platonic way..."
"dustin, i want you to be happy and stable. i will do whatever it takes for that to become a reality. but i want us to be friends. i think we are bestest friends in the whole wide world, and we were made to protect each other."
"oh my dear will byers, i agree one hundred percent," the taller boy smiled his dustin smile, "hey, i'm sorry i kissed you when i knew you liked mike... i don't know why i did it, i just kinda felt like it and i acted on impulse."
will's cheeks grew hot once more, "it's fine. wait, didn't you, lucas and max try to set me up with mike?"
"i—uh... yeah, guilty," dustin said scratching the back of his head, "i'm glad you guys are cool now."
"hey... you guys were right though... i think i do like him... i-if that's okay. i don't know... i'm pretty embarrassed saying this." the short boy covered his face with his small hands.
"i know, will," dustin said patting his head, "i know. i'll see you tomorrow." will waves goodbye, as the other goofy boy jogged toward his house, running to his little bed.
"madmax, do you copy? over," dustin said into his walkie-talkie.
"yeah, i copy, dusty, what's up?" the redheaded girl replied shortly after. she waited for dustin's reply anxiously, fiddling with her fingers.
"your plan worked perfectly," replied dustin with a grin.
"wait, it worked?! so you can stop 'liking' will now? will likes mike?"
"indeed. shit should be interesting at school. over and out."
max grinned herself, rushing to tell lucas. everyone anticipated the next day, the tuesday that would change their lives.
a/n: little deus ex machina and a short chapter ;) hope you guys enjoyed. next chapter will probs be about el